Calm Before the Storm

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Content Warning: explicit sexual content


Another full day gone. Still two more to go.

You and Levi set off for the hotel around five in the evening. The event began at eight, so this should give the two of you enough time to settle into your room and get ready.

You grabbed a lot to take with you, probably far too much. Levi questioned you about it, but you dismissed it by saying your bag was filled with 'girl essentials.' Technically, that was partially true, but really, you just thought it was necessary to take most things with you.

Why? Because Armin was scaring the shit out of you.

Even though being in Levi's presence distracted you from the turmoil within your mind, your apprehension further spiked throughout the week anytime you encountered Armin. For one, he was suspiciously immersed with knowing about your history, and the questions he'd ask you were far too personal.

Why did he need to know where you grew up? Why did he need to know details about your family? Why was he suddenly so interested when he didn't bat an eye at you before?

Because he knows something.

Knowing him, this kid was scheming out some sort of plan. He was waiting for a moment to get rid of you, and this key situation worked out in his favor. You suspected that he probably wanted to rummage through your room to find evidence in your absence.

Well, that wasn't going to happen.

Your main concern was someone finding the journal, so you knew you had to take that with you. Everything else, like some of your clothes, shouldn't be able to easily give your identity away. All the important information was stored in your journal.

"Shit, this is a nice hotel," you said to Levi as the two of you entered the lobby. The lobby was vast and wide, paintings of important historical figures plastered on the walls with golden frames. A large chandelier hung in the center, sparkling in the light as it swayed subtly. There were also a variety of potted plants scattered throughout the room beside doors and furniture, the pots encased in golden covering.

Gold, gold, gold. So much damn gold. It felt slightly overwhelming to you.

It was weird living lavishly for a week. You weren't exactly opposed to it, but it was also a bit too much. To know there were rich people living like this their entire lives while knowing others were suffering in other areas within the walls and in the Underground just put a sour taste in your mouth.

"It's alright, I guess," Levi responded while checking in at the front desk. Levi wasn't the type to want to live lavishly; he just wanted fairness and equality. You could tell none of this appealed to him. Sure, it was nice to look at, and it was certainly up to his cleaning standards, but it did nothing to him knowing all of this money could have been used for something actually useful like giving aid to the poor.

The room you were sharing was just as exquisite. More pretentious paintings littered the walls and plants in golden pots were scattered across the wooden floor. There was a nightstand situated beside the giant, king-sized bed in the center, and a door - which you discovered to be your own shared bathroom - was on the far right. In front of the bed was a large vanity and a red, cushioned seat. On top of the nightstand was a lamp, and next to that was another potted plant - a purple flower.

It was a campanula.

"I love these flowers," you said while approaching the plant. You weren't certain if you really meant that or if your mother's soul possessed you to say that.

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