Chpater 1 - Last day of summer.

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Red's POV

It was a nice, sunny day. It could've been mistaken for a regular day, yet it wasn't an ordinary Sunday. Today was the last day of summer. The last day of freedom before having to go back to school and deal with annoying teachers, homework and studying.

During the whole summer me and the gang would hang out almost every day. I spent a lot of time with Second too.

At that moment, we were sitting in the park. We decided to have a picnic in honor of the last day of summer. Blue even baked cupcakes! They were delicious, by the way.

Yellow and Blue were chatting, same with Gold and Purple. Meanwhile Green and Second were playing some card game I didn't know the name or rules of.

"Hah! I win again." Second smiled proudly, placing a particular card in front of Green.

"You know what? Fuck it! I'm not playing with you anymore!" Green scoffed, throwing his cards at Second.

"You've always been a sore loser." Second giggled.

"Go fuck yourself." Green rolled his eyes and flipped Second off.

Second giggled once more and returned the gesture. Green got up and walked over to Purple. He sat down next to him. I think he was still upset over Second beating him.

Purple must've noticed that his boyfriend was being pouty as he giggled at the sight of Green's expression. Honestly, I have no idea how Purple put up with him. This was the fifth time during the picnic itself that Green was pouting over some silly crap.

"You seem... bothered?" Purple said.

"Fruit Loop beat me again." Green gave Second a slight glare.

"Not my fault you suck at this game." Second shrugged, putting the cards away.

"Whatever." Green scoffed.

"I'd say we could play some tomorrow, but y'know, we probably won't." Said Second.

"True." Green sighed.

"You two done?" Yellow rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, we done." Second murmured.

"It's not nice to interrupt a conversation Nerd." Green spoke to Yellow in a tone you'd use while disciplining a toddler.

"Who asked?" Yellow raised an eyebrow.

"Noone had to." Green replied.

They continued with the back and forth. I didn't even notise when Second sat down next to me.

"Red? You good? You've been rather quiet." He said.

"Wha? No, no, I'm fine. I'm just thinking." I said.

I took his hand into mine and played with it a little. Second smiled. He pulled me onto his lap.

"You're such a lill cutie, y'know?" He said softly.

Something Second and I have been working on lately, was showing eachother affection in public. We were making some progress. We didn't feel too akward to hold hands or kiss in front of the others, but we weren't too confident with that in front of strangers.

"I know. You say that a lot." I smiled. Even though we were dating for a while now, I still couldn't help but blush when he said such sweet things to me.

"Hey love birds! Could you guys pay attencion for a moment?" Said Blue.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." Second rolled his eyes.

"So, as I was saying" Said Yellow. "This year shouldn't be too hard. We won't have any new subjects, so it should be the same. Unless they changed the teachers."

"Let's just pray that the math teacher quit. Or died. Both works for me." Green shrugged.

"Green! That's not nice." Purple elbowed Green.

"I don't care! I hate that bitch. She can die for all I care."

"Sure." Purple rolled his eyes.

"I'm pretty excited for art class." Said Second.

"Obviously you'd be. You're a fucking artist." Said Green.

"I wouldn't consider myself an 'artist'. I can barely draw a stick figure." Said Second.

His words made me smile. He had huge talent when it came to art, but he was always so shy about it.

"Dude, you've gotta be kidding! You are an artist! You could even sell your art! I'd buy it." Said Blue.

"Me too." Added Purple.

"Me three!" Exclaimed Gold.

"Gosh, you guys are being too nice to me." Second smiled shyly. I could see a gentle blush of embarassment on his face.

We continued talking about the upcoming school year and how Green was hoping we'd have a different math teacher, orr, more likely, hoping our math teacher was already in her grave.

Despite having a lot of fun during the summer, I was kinda excited for school. I mean, we figured out most of the problems we had, so it wouldn't be as difficult as last year.

Little did we know, the drama was about to begin...


hey, hey, hey, lover

you don't have to be a star

hey, hey, hey, lover

I love you just the way you are

for love is just the same

without fortune and fame

just give me true love and understanding

true love and understanding

"Hey lover!" by Wabie.


Hellooooooo!!! :D

The first chapter is done! Oh GOSH I'm so excited for this book to develop! I have so many ideas!!

About the song: It might not have much to do with the chapter, but I think it fits the vibe of the last day of summer :}

Words: 884

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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