[Chapter 15] Purple & Orange

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Seungmin and Chan arrived at a building not much different from the mattress store they despised. The abandoned warehouse looked similarly dirty and destroyed.
Chan got an alarming feeling about following the address on the note after witnessing a sight so familiar. However, he did decide to lay his trust in Seungmin, who seemed to be very certain about this.

»At least the entryway seems a little more inviting than we're used to«
Chan tried to bring a little bit of humor in to lighten the mood but probably more to ease his own tension. The entry had a big wooden door that was completely overgrown by thorny plants. At least it wasn't shattered and the door handles were accessible between the branches.

Chan took a deep breath before reaching for the door. He prepared himself for the worst as he pushed down the handle. The door opened easier than he expected. To his relief, no unnerving surprise waited beyond. Just an empty hallway with checkered tiles and a few doors leading off.
Chan entered while making sure Seungmin followed close behind him. Strangely, they could hear music playing as they stepped further into the old building.

Seungmin took his time to look around the hallway while Chan headed for the area where the music seemed the loudest. It led him to a door with bright lights shining through. He called Seungmin to come closer before entering the loud room.

Upon opening the door, they were shocked to see lots of other people dancing, having drinks and just hanging around with loud techno music and flickering colorful lights.
Chan questioned how a party this lively could look so subtle from the outside.
No one even seemed to notice the two detectives entering so they decided to use this to their advantage and blend in with the crowd.

They didn't have a lot of time to look around before someone approached Chan from behind.
»Heyy!! You guys are finally here! We've been waiting«
The young man had a bright smile on his face and a colorful cocktail in his hand. But what stood out to Chan the most was his bright orange hair.
Before they could reply, the stranger went on speaking loudly.
»Come on, I'll take you somewhere more quiet so we can have a chat. Minho hyung will be pleased to meet you«
He walked off without waiting for a reply, motioning for the detectives to follow him. 

They caught up to him and ended up in another checkered floor hallway, but a different one this time.
He led them into a smaller room with carpet flooring and cozy-looking furniture.
They looked around in an observing habit.

»Do you guys like it? We thought we'd do something more comfortable for this room, since the two of us hang out here a lot«
Another man approached them from one of the couches. He had purple-dyed hair, which Chan could have already predicted.
»It's a pleasure to meet you two. I'm Minho«
The young man got up to greet the detectives with a firm handshake. He was wearing a flashy floral print coat and several gold chains.

»And you've already met my lovely partner in crime, Han Jisung«
He pointed to the guy who brought them here.
Jisung bowed deeply but his movements looked more like a broadway act than a respectful greeting.
Chan found his overly polite manners seemed like he was trying to mock them. He didn't trust either of the two men but at least he was sure he had found who he had been looking for.

»So, are you guys looking to confess a murder?«
Chan wanted to get things over with quickly. He didn't like this shady place or the strangers' attitudes.
»Well, not in particular to be honest. We'd rather prefer to make an offer«
Chan already knew he wouldn't like to hear such plans but he didn't have much of a choice but to listen.

»Actually you'd be surprised to hear, you guys and us, we have quite similar goals«
The guy named Minho already started elaborating before Chan showed any interest.
»Currently, the evidence might point us out as the bad guys but we're actually on the same team as you«
»Yeah sure. You two were coincidentally at a murder scene and now you're trying to lure us into some kind of trap... But yeah, it sure seems you're on our side«
Chan let his agitation speak through sarcasm.
»Well not in every aspect, I have to admit. But we do play against the same enemy«

Chan looked up. Now he truly was a bit surprised but didn't let it show. Minho just casually continued to explain.
»The I.N Foundation, right? You want to get those guys as well «
Chan was intrigued. He wanted Minho to go on.
»They're our rivals. They take up all the business in our area and we need to get rid of them«
Chan crossed his arms. Things were a bit clearer to him now but they overall still didn't seem to make much sense.
»So you guys are saying, you're in the drug business as well. And you're admitting this to us, the police... so we can take care of the competition for you?«
Minho clapped twice as if he was applauding to Chan.
»Isn't it such a brilliant plan? We take care of the guard and you take care of the boss«
The stranger smiled brightly but it felt truly unsettling.

Chan took some time to think but it still didn't seem right to him.
»If you're capable of taking out the guard... why don't you just go for the boss yourself?«
»Well that's the thing«
Minho leaned further towards Chan.
»We probably shouldn't tell you this but rumor has it, there's another guy behind the boss we know«
He spoke a little more quietly for a second but soon got straight back to expressing his thoughts loudly.
»I mean it would make sense, right? That Jeongin guy makes himself pretty well known in our business even though he knows he has so many enemies. It's suspicious, isn't it? And now we need you guys to find out what his true motives are«
Minho got closer again and this time even put a hand on Chan's shoulder.
»So what do you say?«

Chan took a step back. He didn't trust a word the stranger said. He still had so many questions.
»Why did you murder someone then? In the alley, just yesterday??«
This time, it was Jisung who answered from the back of the room.
»We had to get your attention somehow«
He slightly giggled after talking. He had climbed up on top of one of the lower shelves in the back and swung his legs.

»You guys are sick«
Seungmin now also expressed his opinion after observing quietly for some time.
»We'll give you two some time to consider«
Minho completely ignored the remark and waved Jisung to follow him out of the room.
When the doors shut behind them, Chan let himself fall onto a couch with soft cushions.
He hesitated for a second but then decided to pull Seungmin down to sit next to him.

Chan rubbed his hands across his face as if it would help clear his conflicted mind.
»What do you say, Detective Kim?«

»I'd say we give them a chance«
Seungmin didn't sound very convincing.
»I thought you didn't like them«
»I don't. But what other choice do we have? We couldn't get past the guard ourselves«
He sounded depressed. His job was so important to him, that he got sad quickly when things didn't work out.
Chan's heart broke a little seeing his beloved coworker like this. He felt like the serious situation wasn't quite the right time but he still leaned towards Seungmin to hug him. He wanted to comfort his partner but he also did it to calm his own feelings.
Chan was angry at himself for not finding a rational solution to their problems and he felt he needed some physical touch for encouragement.
Strangely, Seungmin seemed to notice and embraced him warmly. Or at least a little more welcoming than usual. It was enough for Chan to finally make up his mind.

»I feel uneasy about joining hands with convicts but you're right, it's our only chance«
»Let's focus on what's important right now. We'll get these two next time, chief«
»Alright. Let's try to earn their trust for now. I'll tell them we accept their offer«

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