10. A Hidden Conspiracy

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The next day, Celia took drastic measures by swapping classes, trading her light blue necktie for a red one and joining Ruby Class.

It wasn't an official switch, since that was prohibited, but one of the many ladies who had a crush on Taze had willingly done it, so she could be in Taze's class.

But to Celia's dismay, Taze followed her to Ruby Class!

"You - !"

"This is a nice class! Good choice!" He said, grinning down at her. "Switching classes? I can do that as well!!" He pointedly adjusted his red bowtie, and then sat right behind her.

~"Tch! Little Fool!"~ Celia telepathically shot back as she rose to leave, but the teacher walked in, and she had to sit back down.

Taze taunted her, lightly tugging her braid. ~"Try swapping again! I also want to see if you can run somewhere I can't follow!"~

Celia returned to Jade class after that, and the girl she had swapped with gave her a dirty look, clearly unhappy that Taze had followed her to Ruby Class.

'I thought these ladies were here to study!' Celia complained.

Once, a pretty fairy confessed to Taze in front of everyone, but he scowled. "Don't waste your time! I'm only interested in Celia Scar-!"

Fortunately, Celia cut in and dragged Taze away.

"Little Fool! How can you be so mean?! Don't you feel bad at all?! And how dare you mention my name there?!! Do you want those young ladies to kill me?!" She demanded. She could handle them easily, but it might force her to show her talents!

"Ah! You're speaking to me?!" Taze taunted with a boyish grin, which made Celia's will turn to mush!

But she quickly turned away. "Hmph! Dream on!" And she picked her skirts and stormed off in a huff.


A few days later, Celia was in an Ice Magic Class when a whisper reached her ears

"Did you hear?" A male fairy whispered to another fairy. "The Crown Prince of Luxia is ill!"

Celia's ears perked up at the mention of 'Crown Prince', and she cast a simple spell to hear them better.

"The King is trying to hide it!" The boy continued. "But King Faria already knows! He's close to one of the Fairy Mages that tried to heal the Crown Prince!"

King Faria was one of the Fairy Kings, ruler of Darnia, which bordered Luxia in the west, and he constantly sought opportunities to overthrow Luxia.

"Does this mean Luxia's power is finally shaken? There's no other heir!"

"Idiots." Princess Larya suddenly spoke, revealing she had been eavesdropping as well. "If that's the limit of your information, then you shouldn't run your mouths."

"How dare you?!" One of the fairies challenged. "Who do you think you ar-?!"

A shower of fool-smelling water suddenly fell on both fairies.

"Urgh!" The fairies looked at themselves in disgust, and everyone else covered their noses.

"Disrespect!" Lufar, Larya's brother had been the one to attack. "She's the Princess of Altea!" Altea was the Eastern Sea Kingdom, and Lufar was its Crown Prince

"Since you dared to disrespect her, enjoy the water from the darkest and grossest part of our seas!"

Larya folded her arms sassily. "Hmph! Father is already working on my engagement to another Prince here in Luxia! He's going to rule eventually!"

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