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I lay awake at night staring at my ceiling fighting off the thoughts of you; every time I close my eyes I see your smile. Were you smiling when you did it? Was it a moment of victory for you, your final fuck you to the world, to me? I'll never see you again. Do you have any idea how much that fucking hurts, well I guess you can't, unless you're also staring at the roof of your coffin regretting it all, do you regret it? Or is that my job, regretting everything I didn't say and didn't do? I can't, I refuse to miss you anymore, so this is my fuck you to you, did you even stop to think that maybe I loved you too, we could have saved each other, but no, you just had to have the last word. You stubborn bitch, I love you I hate you I will never forgive you, your already forgiven, I miss you etc. 

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