Chapter LIII: The Rise of the Emperor

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As the meeting adjourned, the nobles dispersed, eager to spread the news of the upcoming crowning ceremony and the ascension of their new emperor. Amidst the dwindling crowd, Cynfael's whispered words caught Zion's attention, a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. Before they were escorted back to the Estein Palace, the air thick with anticipation, Zion sensed the weight of responsibility settling upon his shoulders. With only the Heads of the founding duchy remaining, accompanied by a handful of vigilant knights, a palpable tension lingered in the air, signaling that their journey was far from over.

"So, Augustus," Esmeralda's tone brooked no argument as she addressed the Duke directly, her gaze steely and unwavering. "I expect the necessary funds for medical supplies and armory," she demanded, cutting straight to the heart of the matter without sparing a glance for the Duke.

"Absolutely, My Lady," Augustus replied smoothly, his smirk betraying a hint of amusement at the straightforwardness of her request. "Consider it done."

"Good. I'll consider the matter settled," Esmeralda declared, rising from her seat with purpose. With the Duke of Clox trailing closely behind her, she exited the hall, leaving behind a lingering tension in her wake.

As Augustus prepared to rise from his seat, Zion's words froze him in place. "Duke Gleis," the young emperor's voice cut through the air, commanding attention. Augustus turned to face Zion, his demeanor attentive.

"I am doing this for Serena," Zion declared, his eyes ablaze with determination. "Please, help me. Guide me in ruling this empire," he implored, his words ringing with sincerity.

Augustus concealed his surprise, refusing to betray any hint of shock. Unaware of the deeper connection between his daughter and the new emperor, he chose instead to challenge Zion's resolve. "Oh my, aren't you engaged to the princess of the foreign land?" he countered, his tone laced with skepticism.

"I am, but my heart died with Serena. I seek to avenge her death, to right the wrongs of my past," Zion confessed, his gaze falling to the floor as guilt threatened to consume him once more.

Augustus's smirk widened, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. He recognized Zion's vulnerability as an opportunity to further his own agenda, to tighten his grip on the emperor's reins. "I see," he replied, feigning sympathy. "What do you require of me?" he asked, ready to exploit Zion's determination for his own gain.

"Take me under your wing. You're the only one I can trust," Zion implored, his words a plea born of desperation. In a world where trust was a scarce commodity, he saw in Augustus a shared desire for justice for Serena's death, a common bond that transcended their differences.

Zion understood the risks of placing his trust in another, especially now. Yet, driven by his resolve to avenge Serena's death, he saw in Augustus a potential ally, a powerful force that could help him achieve the same goal which is - Serena.

"It is my pleasure, your highness. Rest assured that I, as well as the entirety of Gleis, will support you," Augustus declared with a respectful bow. "I will take my leave now, presuming you have much to plan for the ceremony," he added, receiving a nod from Zion as a dismissal.

With a satisfied smile playing on his lips, Augustus made his way through the palace halls towards the exit. The recent developments unfolded precisely as he had anticipated, aligning perfectly with his master plan. Stepping outside into the cool evening air, he boarded his carriage bound for Gleis.

"Varka," Augustus called out just as the carriage door began to close. Like a shadow emerging from the darkness, a man with a formidable presence appeared at the window. His face concealed behind a mask, his white hair sticking out of the bonnet he is wearing with a prominent scar cutting across his left eye.

Ink: Living Life as Serena GleisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora