Part 38

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As Shubman paced the living room of his apartment, the weight of betrayal and indignation heavy on his shoulders, he couldn't shake off the simmering rage brewing within him. With each hateful comment he scrolled through on Sara's Instagram post, his anger flared, threatening to consume him entirely.

Sebastian arrived at his doorstep, his usually composed demeanor replaced by concern as he took in Shubman's agitated state. Without waiting for pleasantries, Shubman thrust his phone into Sebastian's hands, his voice edged with frustration.

Shubman: "Look at this, Sebastian. Look at what they're saying about her."

Sebastian's brow furrowed as he read the vitriolic comments littering Sara's social media feed. His jaw clenched in response, a silent acknowledgment of the severity of the situation.

Sebastian: "This is unacceptable. We need to take immediate action."

Shubman's nod was curt, his patience thinning by the minute. He had entrusted Sebastian with safeguarding Sara's reputation, and in his eyes, that trust had been breached.

Shubman: "I told you, Sebastian. I made it clear that if anyone dared to speak ill of her, it should be dealt with legally. And yet, here we are."

Sebastian's expression softened, remorse flickering in his eyes as he recognized his failure to uphold his client's wishes. With a determined resolve, he pledged to rectify the situation, promising Shubman that he would spare no effort in ensuring justice was served.

Meanwhile, Jugnu barged into the apartment, his concern evident as he took in the tense atmosphere. Shubman's frustration poured forth as he recounted the betrayal he felt at the hands of those who sought to tarnish Sara's name.

Shubman: "I need these posts deleted and all the articles removed. If you can't handle it, Sebastian, then you can consider this my resignation letter."

Jugnu's eyes widened in shock, his loyalty to his friend unwavering as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. With a silent nod, he took charge, rallying alongside Sebastian to execute Shubman's demands.

In the midst of chaos, Shubman's resolve remained unshaken, his determination to protect Sara's honor unwavering. As Sebastian and Jugnu sprung into action, Shubman braced himself for the battle ahead, knowing that he would stop at nothing to defend the woman he loved.

Shubman sat on the sofa, his demeanor heavy with the burden of his emotions. Jugnu and Ishan flanked him, their faces etched with concern and empathy as they listened to him pour out his heart.

Shubman: "Why did Sara do this? She should have confided in me about what was going on in her mind, but she didn't. Social media trolling isn't a valid reason for a breakup. I asked her so many times, but she never opened up. She kept everything bottled up inside. She endured so much negativity from all of us, yet she remained silent."

Tears welled up in Shubman's eyes, his voice choked with emotion as he struggled to come to terms with the pain that consumed him.

Jugnu: "It's okay, Shubi. Sometimes people find it hard to express what they're going through. It's not your fault."

Ishan nodded in agreement, placing a reassuring hand on Shubman's shoulder.

Ishan: "Yeah, man. You did everything you could. Sometimes, things just don't work out the way we want them to."

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