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Celine's POV

I walked into my house and saw my mom crying. She was a rarely cried, but when she did it usually meant something really bad had happened.
"Mama, is everything okay? why are you crying?"

"I wish I had taken better care of her! She doesn't speak to me. She hides things. She doesn't even tell whats bothering her. I mean, today she comes home crying! And when I asked her what has happened, she just yells at me telling I wont understand and runs upti her room. I've tried everything celly!." My mom was practically sobbing. I've seen her cry a few times but never have I ever seen her so upset.

"I'll try talking to her and please stop crying." I dont know what to do to console people. I've never been good at it, but in the moment I really wish I knew.


I knocked on Cadence's room but ther was no answer. I tried again and again and again but I had no luck. Finally when I was about to give up, I remembered that we have a master key in the back room. We have a back room so we can keep the important things, like our family jewellery, our valuable things and expensive things.

I took the key and went inside her room. Her desk was filled with letters...letters with no receivers address.

"Go away! And do not touch those"

"Cadence, why are you writing love letters to Alec Aragon? Is there something wrong? You need to talk Danny, or we won't know what has happened"

"Please don't tell mom what I'm about to tell you. I dont want her to worry. Especially since she works at his company. She will go and talk to them and shell loose her job and she'll-"

"Please get to the point"

"Me and Alec dated for the past 5 years-"


"Let me complete celly! So, I dated him for 5 years but in secret because he told me that his dad couldn't know about it. Apparently he is extremely dangerous. I agreed and moved on but he became very suspicious after 2 months of dating. He kept saying that it was about the company so I moved on...again, but..." she started crying and it broke my heart that she endure this for 5 years.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. We'll figure this out."

"I found him with another, when I went to our secret place...he got another girl to our place. HE GOT A GIRL TO OUR SECRET PLACE!!!"

"That son of a bitch"

"Apparently he was tired our relationship. He told me it better if we went our separate ways. He told o was way too risky to be with..." she sobbed even more and I felt anger burn Inside me.

"His brother made it even worse-"

"you mean Ares?"

"Yes...When we were speaking about this he told that even his brother thought we were better off by not being together. Apparently, he believed in Ares's opinion. He told me  that... he also said they weren't close because of their differences in personalities but he loved his brother soo much and that he-"


"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that but I just...*blows her nose* never loved someone so much. Infact he was the first person I've ever loved."

"Look I know this is bad and I know it is hard but you NEED to get out of the house. You say you dont want mom to hurt but you ARE hurting her. She's really upset. You need to back out there and be strong for mama. We'll go get some ice cream. Come on."

"Thanks, Celly"

"You know...maybe we can go somewhere later on next week?"

"Okay...but where?"

"The GMC"

How could that bastard break my sister up and hit on me at the SAME FUCKING TIME. I was ready to pounce of that peice of shit. Every little ounce of attraction I had for him a disappeared into something smaller that electrons. He was having it from me.

Luckily Afiersé had heard that I'd come back and offered a gig at the GMC for their social media and magazine photos. I thought of declining it so I could spend the night with my sister and mother, but the week has taken a different turn. I'm going. I emailed Afiersé and called Ramona (the CEO). She's was really happy and invited to out to drinks tonight. I asked if I could bring a plus one and she said yes.

My goal was to make sure my sister was not rotting in her bed room and that she had a good time this time around, but my priority was to TAKE THAT SON OF A BITCH DOWN.

But before I could do that... I needed to get in touch with Ares. The GMC gave me the perfect opportunity.



This chapter was short because I was busy the past few days.(I was rotting in my bed)

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