ACT One: Est 2050

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                                 Act one
"Babe come look at this they found another missing woman!" I yelled turning up the tv and set the remote down watching the television in awe. This had been the third girl to go missing in the last few months and my nerves couldn't have been worse.
"Don't even worry about all that baby tonight is for us." My husband calmly said as he planted a kiss on my cheek handing me a glass of Pinot Grigio. I took the glass from him and sipped slowly allowing the wine to calm my body.

Today we had submitted our proposal to the universities science department on our new groundbreaking findings in time travel and I couldn't be more pleased with him and I.

"I know baby I'm sorry it is our night. I can't believe we finally did it baby. The department actually is going forward with our study." I said looking up at Jerome awaiting his kiss. As he leaned down to kiss me I smiled deepening our kiss. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he licked my bottom lip asking for more or me. Even after four years of marriage I always feel this sense of puppy love when I'm in his embrace.
"Let's go celebrate then." His voice trailed in my ear full of lust. I smiled following up the stairs with my wine glass in hand.

As he opened the door he unbuttoned his shirt letting it fall to the floor. I stepped towards him wrapping my arms around his neck as I stood on my tip toes. His arm wrapped around my waist slightly picking me up. Jerome has always been pretty muscular but lately he seems stronger. He seemed to pick my body up with ease, which came to a shocker because I don't exactly have a tiny frame. Swiftly, he laid me down on the bed and began to kiss down my neck causing me to release slight moans. It was in this moment I knew I was in for a night full of pleasure.

The next morning I woke up to the sun shining through our white curtains. I sat up sliding on my slippers carefully trying not to wake Jerome. He was still asleep from our night of fun and he's not exactly a morning person, so waking him up would not be pretty. I entered the bathroom letting my robe drop onto our marble floor. I tampered with our shower panel selecting "warm to hot". I must've been too relaxed as I didn't realize Jerome had stepped in with me.

"Fuck, you just can't be doing that shit!" I screamed hitting his shoulder. He laughed shaking his head at my fright. "I'm sorry ma didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to be in your presence." His sweet words caused a smile to creep on my face. "Pass me my conditioner I need to co wash and you all in my way." I demanded jokingly since he was now blocking my products. "Is that how you ask?" He teased lifting an eye brow and smirking. "Please baby." I begged reaching over him but failing. "Here." He laughed through his words handing it to me. As I finished washing off my body I turned off the water and stepped out the shower wrapping my towel around my body.

I looked through my closet searching for my olive green pants suit and blazer. If the department president was going to be visiting our wing of the university, I certainly wanted to make an impression. I decided to wear my hair in its natural twist out look. Letting my tight curls fall to my shoulders. I applied minimal make up and a light blossom smelling perfume.

"Mmm you look good." Jerome's voice entered the room before he did. "Thank you baby can you pass me my heels?" I asked motioning towards my heels that sat in our lounge chair next to him. "Of course." He answered handing them to me. I took a deep breath as I applied my earrings feeling anxious for the day ahead of us. "Nervous?" He questioned placing his hands on my shoulder. "Very..." I answered looking at him through my vanity mirror. "Don't be, we got this." He reassured me kissing the top of my head.

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