Headcannon Update

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So as you could tell from the last chapter, I've had some headcannons change (Mainly w/ Victim) so I felt like I should update you all.
These are only the updated headcannons, some of them counteract with what I stated earlier but that is cause those headcannons got retconned.

UPDATED HeadCanons
🩶✏️ -
🩶✏️ refuses to get along with Alan
• 🩶✏️ couldn't give two shits about 🧡,⭕️ or 🖤
• 🩶✏️ and 🧡 have a rocky "friendship" dynamic going on which mainly consists of 🩶✏️ trying to use 🧡 for his abilities.

🖤 -
• 🖤 cares deeply for 🧡 and ⭕️ to the point where he'd sacrifice himself to protect them.
• 🖤 struggles with anything revolving around 🩶

⭕️ -
• ⭕️ Can't get along with 🩶✏️ in the slightest.
• ⭕️ favours ❤️ over everyone except 🧡 and 🖤
• Struggles trusting others.

🧡 -
• 🧡 hates lashing out at others and shuts himself out from the world when he does so.
• Drawing is his therapy, it helps him calm himself down enough to think through a situation logically.

💛 -
• 💛 is able to briefly mention Lucky Blocks before shutting the conversation down.
• Almost the definition of curiosity killed the cat

💚 -
• 💚 has a minor crush on 💜 but represses it in order not to lose his best friend

🩵☘️ -
• 🩵☘️ hates being called a witch because of the incident and prefers the term Alchemist

❤️ -
• ❤️ and Herobrine have a friendship similar to that of Fluttershy and Discord in MLP
• ❤️ struggles with expressing himself in person but can explain his thoughts better in text.

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