5.Bali Bliss

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Jessica' POV

Charles and I sat together, enjoying our coffee and donuts while engaging in light conversation. When he asked for my name, I replied, "Jessica Dey." Hearing him repeat it made my name sound more beautiful than ever before. His voice was like pure bliss to my ears.

Suddenly, he suggested calling me "Jazz," with an amused look on his face. I cheekily asked him why, to which he apologized and explained that I looked as beautiful as jazz music. I laughed and accepted the nickname, thanking him for the lovely compliment.

Our laughter filled the air as we continued our conversation, sharing jokes and stories. Eventually, we finished our snacks, and I mentioned that I should probably head out. But before I could leave, Charles stood up and asked about my plans.

I mentioned wanting to sit by the beach, and to my surprise, he happily agreed to join me. Walking towards the beach, we kept a safe distance and shared stories about our trips. Finding a quiet spot, we sat down and talked about his experiences as an F1 driver and my life as a jewelry designer from India who dreamed of living in London.

As I spoke, I noticed his eyes were already glued to my face, which made me blush. His compliments left me feeling flustered, and I quickly changed the topic by mentioning hunger. Charles suggested going back to his place to order something to eat, but I hesitated, not wanting to intrude on his time.

However, he insisted, and I couldn't resist his charming demeanor. With his white linen shirt billowing in the breeze and the beach as our backdrop, I agreed to go with him. 

We settled into Charles's place, cozying up in his lounging area in front of the TV. When it came to food, I let him decide while I flipped through channels. Charles got interested in picking something to watch, and after a bit of back and forth, I suggested "10 Things I Hate About You."

With a playful quip, Charles joked about me listing his faults after just meeting. We both chuckled at his remark. I asked if he'd seen the movie before, and when he said no, I explained it's a classic rom-com and highly recommended it.

As the food arrived, we dug in while the movie played. Charles seemed to genuinely enjoy it, and we shared plenty of laughs throughout. Midway, he even started singing along to a scene, and I couldn't help but tease him about his terrible singing. We both ended up in fits of laughter.

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