1.Late Phone Call

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Jessica' POV

The office was nearly deserted as the clock signaled the end of the day. It was a typical day, nothing out of the ordinary. I was just wrapping up some final tasks before heading home. As I focused on completing them, a faint vibration from my phone on the edge of the desk interrupted my concentration.

Glancing over, I tried to catch a glimpse of the caller ID, but before I could, Dan's voice echoed from behind, signaling his departure. We exchanged smiles, a silent acknowledgment of another day's end, and he exited.

Turning back to my desk, I intended to see who was calling, but the ringing ceased abruptly, leaving the screen blank. Checking the time, I realized it was much later than I anticipated. With a shrug, I powered off the screen, leaving the caller's identity a mystery, and made my way out of the office.

Stepping into the hushed streets of London, I wrapped my jacket tighter against the evening chill. Coming from India, this city had been a dream—a distant world that now felt like home. Despite missing the vibrant chaos of my homeland, London's charm had captivated me, weaving its own magic into my heart.

As I walked, the quiet rhythm of the city settled around me, whispering tales of its rich history and promising new adventures. Though miles away from India, London had become my sanctuary, a place where the past and present intertwined seamlessly, creating a sense of belonging that filled me with gratitude.

Thoughts of the missed call nagged at the back of my mind, but I pushed them aside, resolving to check it later.

Settling into my apartment, my phone rang once more. This time, I answered, greeted by a voice that stirred both recognition and confusion.

"Hello?" I said, unsure yet hopeful.

"It's Charles here," came the familiar reply, filling me with a rush of emotion and joy.

I'm Glad You Called - Charles LeclercHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin