Chapter : 24 ✨ Allah's plan is better than my wish ✨

Start from the beginning

"I've been praying for you for 6 months. I've been praying for us everyday and night, but if this is my fate, then I'll accept my fate, Allah's plan is better than my wish." She wipes her eyes and closed the book.

Ziya's POV

Hina saw the house decoration and said "Wow Ziya you've decorated very beautifully" Ziya said "I've arranged table in the garden, today we will have Iftar there."

Hina said "Alright let's start serving food it's time for iftar"

Hina said "Alright let's start serving food it's time for iftar"

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After a while Ayan and Junaid also came. Nida, Hina, Ziya, Shoheb, Junaid, Ayan were all sitting at the Iftar table while reciting Zikir and Dua.

"Allahumma Laka Chumtu Wa Ala Rizqika Wa Aftartu Birahmatika Ya Arhamar Rahimin."

( O Allah, I have fasted for Your pleasure and I am breaking the fast through Your provision. )

They break their fast with dates after hearing Adhan ( the call to prayer)

"Dhahaba adh-Dhama' wabtallatil-urooq wa thabatal-ajr InShaAllah."

( Thirst is gone, the veins are wet, and the reward is confirmed by the will of God. )

(Nida will not be able to pray or fast for 40 days due to the birth of a child. So Nida didn't fast.)

Everyone was eating. Hina poured banana milk into a glass and gave it to Junaid. Junaid takes 3 sips of banana milk shake and says "Ummm it's so delicious, give me another glass" after drinking the second glass he says

"Eomma you have magic in your hands, It's so tasty"

Hina smiles, "I didn't make banana milk, today Ziya made it."

"Wow Ziya! It was very tasty. Eomma give me another glass"

Hina said "Are you just going to fill your tummy with banana milk or you're going to eat something haaaa?" Everyone laughed at Hina's words.

Jimin's POV

Jimin came out of the mosque after Taraweeh prayer, he sat in his car and kept his hands on the wheel while thinking something then he started the car engine.

He parked his car some distance from Mahi's house. Jimin was sitting under a tree outside Mahi's house and waiting for Mahi to come to the balcony. He secretly comes here to saw her from a distance but most of the time Jimin doesn't saw her because Mahi rarely comes to her balcony.

"Angel I haven't seen you since last 9 days, have mercy on my weak heart, please Angel...Please come out."

After waiting for two and a half hours, Jimin looked at his wrist watch and saw that it was 12:05 am. He took a deep breath and stood up to leave. Then he noticed that Mahi was sitting on a chair while hugging her knees on her balcony.

Jimin happily jumps and says "Shukar Alhamdulillah, thank you very much Allah for answering my dua"

Mahi was wearing her night sleepwear of light pink color and a white hijab wrapped around her head like a dupatta. She covers her face with both hands and says "Ya Allah, since I found out about my marriage, I can't find peace in my heart, I feel restless. Ya Allah, calm my heart, help me to forget Jimin. Don't make me weak and attracted to someone whom you haven't written in my destiny." Forgive me for attached with someone who is not in my fate, Control my heart, Yaa Allah, When ever i try to forget him i miss him more , What should i do Rabbe karem???? What should i do????

Jimin was jumping in joy after seeing Mahi. But when he realized that Mahi was crying his happiness disappeared in a seconds. It wasn't obvious but Jimin could understand that Mahi was crying.

"Angel what happened?? Are you crying? Please don't cry" Jimin was feeling very helpless. He wanted to hug her and ask her what happened, to make her fell better, to comforts her. "I wish I could comfort you right now Angel"

She sat on the balcony for half an hour while looking at the sky and talking to Allah. Mahi wipes her eyes and went to her room. She perform ablution and stand on prayer mat for nafal Salah.

Jimin also went to his house and performed ablution and offered Tahajjud prayer.

Jimin also went to his house and performed ablution and offered Tahajjud prayer

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In supplication "Ya Allah surely you are aware of everything. Please turn my Angel's sorrows into happiness. Please accept her duas, Ya Allah pour all the happiness of the world into her fate. I don't know if she loves me or not, But I'll love her forever. Nothing is impossible for you so please union us in a halal way. Calm her heart and give her all happiness.

~ The greatest gifts we can give to each other is to pray for one another ~

To Be Continued....


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