Different Gear, different People. VOL 4.

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Music recommended—https://youtu.be/GGU7yCmhjRY?si=U78hfy6LReBPoYdo

April 20, 2024-May 6, 2024

Clay and Kyna were rushing around, Kyna stop and Clay ran into Kyna's back.

Clay: "Ow- Girl-" Clay mumbled before stopping.
Clay looked at whenever Kyna was looking at and there were some Octo troopers.
Clay was surprised, I mean her first time seeing some Octoling in person and now some Octarians?!! Wowwww...
Kyna grabbed Clay's wrist and dragged her away. They ran and ran until they went inside a building. Clay saw a bunch of Octarian, female and male gear on the wall-hooks ,inside boxes , in opened closets, everywhere...
Kyna handed Clay some male Octarian gear. Clay just stared at it, blushing a bit from embarrassment.
Kyna: "Here- Quickly put this on."
Clay: "....You..You do know I'm a girl right-"
Kyna stared at Clay.
Kyna: ".....Wait-- What?!"
Clay looked at Kyna shocked.
Clay: "...How- How do I look like a guy?!"
Kyna: "...Wowwww..." Kyna claps her hands while saying that slowly and awkwardly.
Clay just groaned.
Clay: "I swear.."

Kyna grabbed the Male-Octarian Gear from her hands and gave Clay an ACTUAL female one.
Kyna: "Here just uh, put this on. I have a plan."
Clay: "yeah...yeah okay." Clay said. Still a bit embarrassed from the Octarian thingy.
Clay got into her Octo Gear.(Not the Eye Gear yet.)
Clay: "Wait so– Why I'm I wearing this?"
Kyna: "It's part of my plan! We disguise you as a Octarian so no one will know your inkling!"
Clay: "Yeah but.." Clay cuts herself off as she hears noise outside the room.
Kyna freaks out.
Kyna: "Oh no! It's those agents!" Clay looked confused.
Clay: "Agents?"
Kyna: "Yes! Always trying to take the Zap
fish from us!"
Clay: "Oh.." Clay said quietly. Clay didn't want to say I Inkopolis needs the Zapfishes but then again, if Inkopolis just has the Great Zapfish – the Octarians should be able to keep the tiny ones... Right?? Huh.
Clay stayed silent, adjusting her gear a bit and putting her phone in her shorts pocket.
Kyna looked at Clay with an idea kind of look.
Kyna: "I have an idea!"
Clay: "What is it?" Clay asks. Adjusting her shorts and belt(s) a bit.
Kyna: "I know the perfect area to leave this place!"
Clay nods.
Clay: "Alright, let's go then." Kyna nods but then hands Clay the Octarian-Eye-Gear.
Clay pauses.
Kyna: "So the rest of the Octarians don't know you're inkling." Kyna smiles with that bright smile. Clay can't happen but to remember a familiar face when she stares at Kyna's smile.
Clay pauses silently before putting the Octarian-Eye-Gear. Kyna jumps and smiles excitedly.
Kyna: "Alright! Let's go!" Clay smiles slightly.
Clay and Kyna walk out as Clay speaks up.
Clay: "Those Octarians might still be there though... And plus wouldn't it be bad if I came out of the to Inkopolis with Octarian Gear on?"
Kyna: "Huh.. I didn't think of that.." Kyna puts her hand on her chin as she thinks before her circle-y ears perk up.
Kyna: "Ah! I know!" Kyna grabs Clay's wrist once again and drags her ONCE AGAIN, to another random place.

Meanwhile at Tentakeel Outpost.

Rider and Gloves came out of the Squid-hole cover,(That sounds better than 'manhole.') Mika, Mai, and Hana follow.
Rider looked annoyed, like always.
Rider: "This is a waste of my time." Gloves smirked.
Gloves: "Womp wom-" Rider hit Gloves on the back.
Gloves: "OW- Dude what the hell-" Gloves grunted.
Mika looked unfazed from.. Whatever they were doing ,Mika noticed a couple of Octarians. Mika grabbed Mai quickly before she could run off the island.
Mika: "We have trouble." Mika said.
Gloves and Rider looked forward and saw the Octolings.
Mika grabs her E-Liter 4k as Gloves gets his dualies.Rider groaned.
Rider: "I swear." Rider holds his Dynamo Golden Roller that was resting on his shoulder.
Mika: "Hold Mai, Hana." Mika says to Hana, Hana grabs Mai's arm as she almost tried to jump off the island.
Rider instantly charges at the Octolings along with Gloves, there are nine Octarians in total. Mika instantly shoots a shot at an Octoling, hitting two.
Hana: "Six down.." Hana mutters to herself, Hana keeps a good grip on Mai. 
Splat, splat, splat!
Hana kept holding Mai but looked in another direction and saw something... Odd.
Hana: "..Hm." Hana sat Mai down and walked away.
Mai: "...."
Mika out her E-Liter down and turned around.
Mika: "Wha- Mai! Where is Hana??!" Mika shouted.
Mai: "......I don't know." Mai said despite seeing Hana walk away.
Mika: "...You know what, whatever."
Rider and Gloves just glanced at each other.
Gloves: "So, are we gonna find your captain or-"
Mika: "Yes! Let's go." Mika said while grabbing Mai and dragging her along as she walked.

Kyna: "Annndd- Ta da!"
Kyna brought Clay to an area that looked like those boss battle area's you would see in story mode ..COUGH COUGH WHATT??? BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL? NAHHH...
Clay just stared.
Clay: "Why are we here..?"
Kyna: "Because! I wanna show you something before I take you back to Inkopolis." Kyna walks onto the big platform and Clay follows, Clay was staring confused until she saw a big ass Roller Kyna brought out.
Kyna: "You main the Krak Roller thingy right? Well.... This is WAY better."
Clay stared at it in shock.
Clay: "...Dude that thing is like 2 feet bigger then you..."
Kyna: "Mhm! I think it's amazin-"
Rider: "YOU!" A voice yelled. Clay turned around confused as Kyna stared.
Another voice was heard.
Mika: "Finally now we can all go home."
Clay was shocked.
Clay: "Wait wai- Mai?? MIKA?! What are you al-"
Suddenly boss battle music started playing.
Clay: "What the fu-" Kyna rushed to Clay and pulled her Octo-Eye Gear on.
Clay: "Kyna what ar- Holy shi-" Clay started to feel wayyyy weirder.
Rider: "Great now we have to fight."
Clay was getting hypnotize.
Kyna: "Sorry, but it's the bosses rules." Kyna super jumps onto a platform that was on top of Clay.
Kyna: "Give us DJ Octovio back or else!"
Rider: "Be serious. You're acting like that squid can do anythin-"
Kyna: "GET EM CLAY!" Kyna yelled and tossed the Giant Roller to Clay.
Clay grabbed it and started at it quietly.
Mika: "...What kind of Roller.."
Clay: "Destroy."
Mai: "So emo-"
Mika grabs down onto the platform.
Gloves: "Yo! Wait-- You don't know how strong she can be hypnotiz!" Gloves says.
Mika: "I was her teammate for a year and a half, I know how strong she can be even if she is using her full power!" Mika yells.

After the fight because I'm too lazy to go into detail

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After the fight because I'm too lazy to go into detail.

Clay falls down onto her knees, making those Octo-Eye Gear fall off.
Clay: "Cod...What the??"
Kyna: "Awhh..." Kyna mumbles. Kyna jumps down on the lower platform with Clay, Kyna pats her back.
Mika: "Hey get away from her, Octo!" Mika shouts. Rushing over to them.
Kyna: "..." Kyna just stares at Mika before laughing.
Kyna: "You're funny. Kinda." Kyna glances at Rider and Gloves before Super jumping away.
Clay rubs her face.
Clay: "Cod...." Mika rushes to Clay.
Mika: "What were you thinking??! How did you even get into Octo Canyon in the first place?!" Mika said. Shaking Clay's shoulders. Rider, Gloves, and Mai walked over.
Rider: "Let her rest she's probably confused as hell."
Mai: "I didn't know Octarians had clothes!"
Everyone went quiet, Rider just stared at Mai silently.
Rider: "....She better not be like that normally."
Mika: "She is." Mika said as she rolled her eyes. She helped Clay back on her feet. Clay looked up.
Clay: "...Who even are those people?" Clay asked. Referring to Rider and Gloves.
Mika: "They are the S-4 friends."
Rider: "Not friends."
Gloves: "Best friends!"
Rider: "...Shut the hell up."
Mika: "...Okkay then." Clay just looked more confused.

More is coming I'm just lazy :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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