What a wacky place... is that a snipe- VOL 1.

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Music that's recommended-

April 19 2024(9PM)-April 19 2024.(6AM)

Clay Hausunino is 17 years old. She met Mika Matsuno back in Inkopolis Square when she was 14, after they met Mika and Clay decided to do solo battles with each other and it went well! She met Mai Aiyo after Mika got paired up with her in a solo battle. After that they all decided to became teammates! But, they needed a fourth teammate. They all decided for nostalgia to do solo battles and see who was really good and yeah, just ask them! After a couple solo battles they met Hana Otoko Zen'in and that's how Team Red was made!

Somewhere in Inkopolis Plaza...

Clay: "Yawn fest." Clay says. Sitting back in her chair.
Mai: "WHATTT?!!" Mai says loudly as she stands up in her chair.
Mai: "I think this Splatfest is wonderful, actually." Mai says with sass.
Clay: "Yeah you think."
Mika: "Focus guys!" Mika says. Slamming her hand onto the table.
Mika: "So. Which teams are you all going to be on, or are we all going to agree and just be a whole team?"
Mai: "Narwhal to the top, baby!" Mai yells. Putting her fist in the air.
Clay: "This is dumb."
Mai: "HEY!"
Hana: "I mean... Clay is kinda right about this Splatfest being dumb.."
Mai: "Oh yeah? Explain then!"
Clay: "Ugh, it's childish. Literally, 'Unicorns vs Narwhal.' It's in the name!"C lay says.
Mika: "Okay, with all this arguing, we aren't going anywhere!" Mika says.
Mika: "How about... Team Norwhal for all of us? Yeah?"
Hana: "Yeah, sure." Hana says. Mai then nods very quickly.
Clay: "Ughh.... Sure, it's better than f-cking unicorns.."
Clay mutters.
Mika: "Alright! Let's go pick our teams then."
Mika stopped learning against the table and put her E-Liter around her shoulder. She walked over to the Voting Station thingy. Mai followed her with her Sloshing Machine, and Hana got up at the same time with Clay. Hana held her Ballpointing Splattling and Clay picked up her Krat on Splat roller, throwing it over her shoulder as they both followed Mika and Mai.
They all voted in Team Narwhal.
The jelly fish that stood by the Voting Station machine hand them they're shirts with the writing 'Team Narwhal!' on it.
Clay held the shirt out as she started at it in annoyance.
Mai smiled widely she quickly put the shirt over her shirt she was already wearing.
Mika signed, folding the shirt and putting it between her arm and side of her chest.
Mika: "Okay guys, want to get some Turf or Rank in?"
Hana nods, and Mai happily jumps.
Mai: "YESSS!!!"
Clay shrugs.
Clay: "Sure."
Mika: "Alright."
The girls go into the lobby.
After a couple battles they all agreed on one more and after that they'll get dinner.(Getting food was Mai's idea of course...)

The girls were standing on top of their zone at Inkblot Art Academy. Clay tightened her Ink tank shoulder straps as the count down was going down, suddenly Mai shaked Clay really fastly.
Mai: "Aaaaaa!!!!" She squealed.
Clay got annoyed.
Clay: "What? We didn't even start yet??"
Counter: "Ten!"
Mai: "Look!!" Mai points at their opponents, it was four males, all four having the topknot hairstyle, one with a Gas Mask and another with the Skull Bandana. The two other males had a visor on and a ...Kinda flat ass hat in Clay's opinion.
Clay: "...Yeah..??? It's just our targets..??"
Mai: "No you idiot! That's the S-4!!" Mai says. Shaking her hands in the air excitedly.
Clay: "...Who?"
Counter: "Eight!"
Mai: "The S-4!!"
Hana: "I think they are some famous S rank group.." Hana says, holding her Ballpointing Splattling.
Mika shrugs her shoulders.
Mika: "Let's just do this alright?" Mai was clearly excited.
Clay nods and so does Hana.
Counter: "Six, five, four, three, two..."
Mai smiles widely, Mika tightens her grip on her E-Liter 4k, Hana gets her Ballpointing Splattling ready and Clay does with her Krat on Roller.

Counter: "..One! GO!" Both teams, Red Team and The S-4 go off, Turfing their turf. When Red Team got down into the middle Mai shouted.
Mai: "Don't worry guys! I got this!" Mai used her special, Booyah Bomb, Mai kept shouting Booyah as the girls just stared up at her.
Mika: "Mai! Remember you NEED to throw it at the other team not us-" Suddenly Mai threw it STRAIGHT down, red ink covering Clay, Hana, and even Mika.
The girls paused as Mai fell back onto the ground before quickly getting up.
Mai: "I did good right?" The girls just stared at her before someone from the other team laughed.
??: "What kind of chick is that dumb to throw a Booyah Bomb at her own team?!" The inkling dude laughed.
Clay's eyebrows raised up, 'Who even is this dude?!' Clay asked herself in her mind. The inkling that had that weird flat hat(Still in Clay's perspective.) nudged the dude.
??: "Aloha, that's rude."
Clay's mind- 'Ohh Aloha.... What a bitchy name-'
Aloha: "Chill dude, it was just a joke."
Mika just stared at the guys in confusion..
Mika: "Can we go back to battling..??"
??: "That's exactly what I was gonna ask."
Aloha: "Awwh, your no fun Army." The Aloha dude poked 'Army's' cheek in a teasingly manner and Army instantly glared at Aloha. The member with the Skull Banana then hit Aloha on the back of the head.
Aloha: "Ow- Skull dud-" 'Skull' then got his E-Liter and pointed it at Mika and Mai, Mika having fast reflexes dodged and Mai..Uh-

Mai got splatted by Skull!

Hana just stared.
Clay: "She deserved that." Hana instantly smirked and the battle was back on!
And after allll that they lost, the Red team lost. Clay wasn't surprised especially since Mai kept talking about them being a famous 'S rank' group. Mika sighed, she was pretty tired since they were all(the girls.) battling before accidentally getting matched up with the S-4, which is why she didn't get many kills. Hana and Clay were just chilling inkling turf, dying, splatting, blah blah.

S-4 Deaths/Splats.
Mask- Deaths three/Splats seven.
Skull- Deaths six/Splats nine.
Aloha- Deaths thirteenth/Splats five.
Army- Deaths eight/Splats ten.

Red Team Deaths/Splats.
Hana- Deaths fore/Splats five.
Mika- Deaths nine/Splats three.
Mai- Deaths over f-cking thirty/Splats two.
Clay- Deaths five/ Splats fore.

The girls walked out of the lobby tired, Mai was tired but not that tired to shut up.
Mai: "For dinner can we get ice cream? Or maybe cake!!" Mika sighed.
Mika: "That isn't dinner.." Mika was once pointed out by Hana that she acts like a mom in the group to just remind everyone, COUGH COUGH.

Clay walked with the rest of the girls, her Krat on Roller resting on top of her shoulder as Clay thinks.
Clay: "Ooh, what about wasabi?" Hana smiled.
Hana: "And some Sandwiches with tuna?"
Mai: "Isn't tuna from salmons-"
Mika: "Okay! That's dinner planned. Now let's get out of here I'm tired as heck."
Mai: "I'm gonna eat my own babies.." Mai was obsessed with salmons and she thought they were.. 'Cute.'
Hana laughs and Clay cracks a small smile.
Clay: "You girls are sometimes too weird for me.." She jokes.
Mai: "SHUT UP!" Mai shouts which Hana laughs more as Mika rolls her eyes in a joking manner.

The girls walked farther and farther away from the lobby to go some random take out place to get dinner... Meanwhile...

The S-4 was preparing for another battle.
Army was flipping through his manual.
Army: "Cod- Damnit! I knew it." Army says to himself.
Skull: "What?" Aloha smirks.
Aloha: "Yeah what?" He says in a way that he's making fun of Army randomly saying that.
Army: "That team, they are new. They aren't even in my manual!"
Mask: "Whhat? The teeam we just battling withh orrr..?" Masks asks.
Army: "That 'Red Team.'"
Aloha: "Oh well.
Army: "Will- WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP? This is imported I need information on them.." Skull just stares silently and so does Mask.
Aloha: "...And you call me weird-"
Aloha: "Yeah because I'm handsomee." Aloha teases and Army glares at him angrily. Skull breaks them up.
Skull: "Alright, stop it." After that the S-4 goes to battle.

Word count- 1438

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I'm too lazy to make a outro, bye

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