Chapter 1

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The desert sun beat down harshly upon the two lands as Prince Senaba, the second son of Pharaoh Baka, stood on a hill that overlooked the Valley of the Kings.

His brown and green eyes were ever watchful of the workers before him as they toiled in the construction of his father's tomb.

Cutting and carving the vast and ornate chambers from the valley stonewalls that would one day be filled to their ceilings with the various treasures his father would carry with him into the next world

"It is well done," came the voice of the high priest Nefy as he scaled the hillside, followed by his servants and acolytes.

The prince smiled at his mother's eldest brother.

"I have carried out my father's desires to the best of my ability, I can only hope that he and the gods are as approving as you are Uncle."

Nefy smiled.

"The gods care little for worldly trivials but will be very pleased by the loving gesture you have shown to your father and the lasting impact of his memory."

said the older man before gazing out over the desert sands, his eyes turning towards the direction of the capital.

"Is there more you wish to speak of with me, Uncle?" Asked the prince, giving his mother's brother a look of concern and curiosity.

Nefy smiled, though it did not reach his eyes.

"OH no, the young should not concern themselves with the trivials of the old and tired."

He replied before embracing his nephew.

"I fear that I must leave you now, but I will leave you with an invitation for a feast I am giving with a small group of old and very dear friends of mine, we would all be honored if you were to join us."

The prince could feel that there was more going on with the older man, but he had no desire to pry as he figured that whatever it was that was responsible for his sudden gloomy facade would all be revealed that night and all in good time.

"I would be honored to attend Uncle, for what time do you desire my presence?"

And so sunset would find Senaba at the home of his uncle where he was met by the faces of the powerful and influential from across the two lands.

"Em hotep, your grace, it is a blessing to have you here among us," said a very handsome, tall, and sturdy man whom the prince knew to be one of his father's greatest generals.

General Djese.

Senaba smiled.

"It is a blessing to be here among so many great and noble faces surely the halls of my father's palace lay bare this evening."

It was done in great taste, but the message was clear, and Senaba let them know how uneasy he was in the middle of such a meeting of powerful people who had chosen to meet in secrecy so far from the capital.

"Not all who dwell in the house of Nefy are noble," said a beautiful woman with gold braided into her spiral curls.

"Neither in birth nor in deed."

Senaba didn't know what to say, for he had never met someone as captivating as the beautiful creature before him who seemed to hold her own there amid so many great and noble men.

"So well spoken as always, Nity," said Uncle Nefy as he entered the room, earning a smile from his nephew as he had given to him that which he had sought above all else.

Her name.

Nity, who had taken note of the prince's reaction to his uncle's revelation, gave her old friend a cautious look but smiled nonetheless.

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