09 | Light

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‭‭Matthew 17:20
“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”

Amidst the stillness a foreign presence moved like wind blowing beneath water. So there was peace, tranquility and conviction. A voice spoke to him with clear instructions. He looked around but only saw a bright light. Instantly, he fell on his knees using his hands to cover his eyes.

“Go back. I have forged you for a purpose.” 

He didn't understand the instructions.

“Says who? Who are you before me? What are you?"

“I am.” Said the voice. “Remember Paul.”


Akin woke up once again, disoriented to find that he was in another unfamiliar environment. This room wasn't spacious, had dim blue lights and only a wardrobe and bed which he laid on, a crucifix hanging above the door post and a small armchair piled with clothes. The paint on the wall had long peeled off and the window brought in little air because it was cramped so close to another building. He tried to get up, noticing that his hands were free of the catheter but was stopped by a woman.

She held his wrist. “You're not fit to get up yet.”

He immediately took his hands away. “Don't touch me. What am I doing here? What are you doing with me? How did I get here? What's happening?” He felt a sharp pain in his head suddenly. Naomi ignored his protest about not touching him and pushed his muscled body back on the bed. She dipped a towel into cold water in a bowl, squeezed it slightly and used the damp towel to massage his forehead. “I'll explain everything later. You just have to trust me, I'm all you've got currently.” Her voice was soft as though one would never hear her shouting.

Akin closed his eyes although he wasn't asleep. Naomi hummed a song as she worked on using the cold towel to cleanse his body. When she was done she left the towel on his forehead and stepped out. Shortly after, she returned with clothes and food. “I'm going to help you change into some fresh clothes.” 

Akin’s eyes flew open in alarm. “You want to undress me?” 

Naomi was tempted to laugh at his reaction. “Relax. I'm a nurse, there's nothing I haven't seen.” Akin still felt insecure. That was when Naomi noticed that he was really worried, afraid even. Akin knew what men did to young girls, men like his father so he had always been afraid of close proximity with people. He had been told that he was a handsome boy, he knew how some people looked at him. Even women can take advantage of boys.

Naomi sighed. She has a lot of work in store for her with this man. “Okay, how about this? I'll only help you take your shirt off, you're still really weak and your stitches are still healing. Then I'll leave your trousers for you to remove while standing in the hallway. I won't peep, promise. Is it good for you?”

He thought about it before agreeing. Naomi went straight to the living room after helping him change. She was exhausted and her phone still rang. The little supplies left were used to prepare food for the man so he could take the medicine she purchased at the local pharmacy for his sores and body pains, she also got ointment to rub on the wounds on his face and leg. In the process of taking care of him she was sacrificing many things. 

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