06 | Sunny

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‭‭Isaiah 48:13
It was my hand that laid the foundations of the earth, my right hand that spread out the heavens above. When I call out the stars, they all appear in order.”

READY?” HE SAID, his hands shielding her behind him. She held onto it tightly to the point that he was losing feel in his arm.

She shook her head. “I'm scared… Let's go together.”

“No, I have to stay here, Sunny!” He didn't mean to raise his voice.

The door banged louder. “If I get my hands on you kids you're dead!” The person barreled against the door. “Sunny! Sunny! Sunny, come open the door for your pa. Sunny, I need you.”


“But Lucy,” her voice trembled. “I'll stay with you.”

“Sunny!” Their father pleaded, desperately. “Sunny, my little girl. Don't you want to make daddy happy again?” He kept on using his weight to hit the door. “I've had a bad day. Look at your mother, she's not moving.”

The hinges of the door broke. Their father stood before them like a monster. He always had a calm look on his face even when he was so angry that sent chills down their spine.

“Run Sunny!”

“We need to call… No… What do we do? What do we do?” Client G paced up and down as he tried dialing the number of the woman who reached out to him over and over but she wasn't responding. They were stranded and he had no answer to provide to the people with him.

“In less than ten minutes the police are going to come storming into this house and that'll be the end of us.” Akin said. “I've lived half of my life trying to escape from them and I'm not about to give up now.”

He was the only one they could count on now. 

“I'm dead meat o. I can't survive in jail, bro. Those people will eat me alive!” Client G said.

“Shut up!” They all shouted at the same time.

“Grab the bags and follow me.” Vee and the rest grabbed the bags full of money. When they got outside, the sound of the cops trying to break down the gate shook them. It's a good thing Eze locked the door before joining them upstairs. It reminded Akin of terrible things.

“Hey… I'll be fine. When I say the word lock the door and run with your sister. I love you, my brightest light.”

“Back here!” They gathered in the backyard. “I doubt they were able to surround the back because the land is big. It's too late to start looking for a ladder so someone will have to give everyone a boost over the fence.” Somehow everyone knew the one to do that would be Collins.

First they tossed the bags over the fence. The wall was too high plus it had broken glasses at the top so they had no other option but to hurt themselves to get across. Vee was the lightest. Collins bent down for her to climb on his shoulders. She had to hold in her screams as she tried to get a firm grip at the top to pull up her weight. Blood trickled down her palm and onto the wall before she was able to get herself over and jump down.

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