14. [ A drop of tear and an inch of dust, A longing that come and goes ]

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Destined: to meet you
Chapter 14: A drop of tear and an inch of dust, A longing that come and goes

As the sun ascended over Chang'an, its golden rays danced upon the rain-kissed streets, casting a radiant glow upon the ancient city

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As the sun ascended over Chang'an, its golden rays danced upon the rain-kissed streets, casting a radiant glow upon the ancient city.

The scent of petrichor mingled with the delicate fragrance of blooming cherry blossoms, infusing the air with a sense of renewal and possibility.

In the tranquil morning calm, the city seemed to exhale a sigh of contentment, as if embracing the promise of a new day filled with untold wonders and adventures waiting to unfold.

Xiang Yun sits in her room, her gaze transfixed upon the world beyond the windowpane.

Outside, a soft, cold breeze whispers through the air, carrying with it the earthy scent of soil, causing her long hair to sway gently in its embrace.

The tear-shaped mark near the corner of her eye glimmers in harmony with the radiance of her eyes, as if echoing the depth of her emotions.

Xiang Yun's gaze reluctantly returns to the round table, where a delicate cup brimming with fragrant tea awaits her touch. With delicate fingers, she traces the elegant curves of the cup's structure, then gracefully raises it to her lips, savoring each sip as the taste of tea envelops her senses in a symphony of flavors.

Suddenly, the echo of footsteps reverberates in the hallway, drawing closer to Xian Yun's room. With a sense of anticipation, she gently sets down her cup, an intuition guiding her actions.

As Xiu Ming enters her room, his countenance betraying a hint of concern, Xian Yun meets his gaze, her own expression poised with a silent understanding.

"Do you know where Xing Xing is?" Xiu Ming asks his voice carrying a note of urgency as he enters the room, his eyes searching Xian Yun's face for answers.

"She went to the court," Xian Yun replies, her tone carefully neutral, masking the concern flickering within her.

"She went there alone. She should have waited for us to accompany her," Xiu Ming's worry gets palpable in his words, etching lines of anxiety across his face.

Rising from her seat, Xian Yun's robe billows softly as she moves towards Xiu Ming, a calming presence amidst his unease.

"Don't worry. She will be fine. Minister Zhang is with her," she reassures him, a hint of sorrow tinging her voice.

"It's reassuring that Minister Zhang is there, but she should have waited for us."

"If I were in her place, perhaps I would have made the same choice," Xian Yun's gaze meets his, her eyes reflecting both empathy and a hidden sadness.

Nodding in silent acknowledgment, Xiu Ming's agreement tinged with a sense of understanding, though unaware of the weight behind Xian Yun's words.

"I have something to discuss," they both says in unison, a synchronous yet discordant note in the room.

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