Just a girl🎀

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She is just a girl.
She is a prettier variant of me.
She is the alluring me and I am the astute her.
Same uncouth minds , same blithe souls.
I am her trauma therapist and she is my mental surgeon.
Sweet little self-cynicist.
The attention craver lying deep in her soul.
'Twas just a phase.
Pretty petty phase of teenage.
The sway of impulses , the ride of hormones.
All making her despondent and doleful
Just because she felt paunchy and podgy.
It had to pass for it was a phase.
It did pass.
For she dwells under my wings:
Under the canopy of stars and planets.
She is problematic and imperfect.
She doubts herself.
Little miss self acclaimed devoid of charm.
No one ever tells her how daintily plump she is.
For just a girl she is.

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