Chapter 4:- Meeting New People

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So, welcome everyone. As I told you, we are your hosts of the show, and I am Monica.

And I am Vikrant.

So, I have given you your room master keys. Please proceed to your rooms. Today, you have a fun day. Spend time with your partner, get to know each other, as we will start the couple competition from tomorrow," Monica said.

Vikrant exclaimed that there will be activities given per week. At the end of two weeks, you will be given a choice to change your partners. So, go and take rest.

Everyone proceeded to their room. Aarohi and Abhimanyu entered the room.

"Aarohi, you go and freshen up. Then I will go."

"Sure, I will be back in 15 minutes."

Aarohi went inside the restroom to freshen up. After a couple of minutes, the door unlocked.

"Abhimanyu, go and freshen up."


Abhimanyu comes and sees her sitting on the bed using her mobile.

"So, Aarohi, let's go out and meet new people."

"Yes, we can meet new people only as we know each other. Wow."

"Don't be so sarcastic, Aarohi. Let's go!

They went out and saw people roaming there.

Hi, I am Mukti.

Nice to meet you, Mukti. I am Abhimanyu.

And I am Aarohi.

Hi guys, I am Subh, Mukti's partner.

"So guys, how is your time going with each other?" Mukti asked.

"Mukti, we are having a great time. What about you?" Abhimanyu replied, as he didn't believe Aarohi in this case.

"Our time is also going well. We are excited about the competition starting tomorrow," Subh said.

"Same with us," Aarohi replied.

"So guys, let's play badminton," Manik said while coming towards them with his partner.

"Let's go and play, guys," Vishti said.

"We will decide the teams using the chit method," Aarohi said.

"Okay, according to the chit, Abhimanyu, Mukti, and Subh are in one team, and Aarohi, Manik, and I are in one team," Vishti said.

"Hi Monica, can you please count the scores for us?" Manik asked.

"Yes, sure, why not? I would love to do it for you guys," Monica replied.

The game was going pretty well; everyone was enjoying it. While playing, Abhimanyu saw that Manik was trying hard to be close to Aarohi, and he was not liking the fact.

Abhimanyu's POV:

Why am I getting affected when I see Manik close to Aarohi? I don't love her anymore. Maybe this is happening because she is my ex, and I am insecure about her. But if I stay here and see them so close right now, I will punch this Manik really hard. I am not in the mood to play anymore.

Abhimanyu's POV end

"Sorry, guys, I am not feeling well right now, so I am going to take a rest."

"What happened to you, Abhimanyu? Are you fine?" Aarohi inquired.

"Yes, yes, I am fine, Aarohi, just need a little rest," Abhimanyu replied.

"I think, Aarohi, you should take Abhimanyu to the room; he must be feeling low because of the sun," Vishti said.

"I think you are right, Vishti," Aarohi replied, showing her concerns.

Aarohi took Abhimanyu inside the room.

"Sit, don't roam here and there. When you know you are not comfortable in the sun, why were you playing? Let me make a lemonade for you.

"No need of it, Aarohi. I am fine now."

"Just up, Abhimanyu. I am coming in a minute."

"She is caring. Does she get affected when I get hurt? Does she still have feelings for me? If this is true, for once, Aarohi, say 'I love you.' I will definitely come back to you. Today I am successful, and one reason is you. So please, Aarohi, think about it," Abhimanyu said in his mind.

"Aarohi, bring a glass of lemonade for Abhimanyu." Abhimanyu drank the lemonade and thanked her.

"Do you need anything else, Abhimanyu?"

"No, no, nothing. Just want to tell you something or leave it. From tomorrow, the competition will start. Best of luck."

"You too, Abhimanyu."

Aarohi left the room. After some time, she came back with Manik. Abhimanyu was very angry upon seeing him.

"Abhimanyu, I met Manik outside, and he was asking about you. So, I brought him along with me."

"How are you, Abhimanyu?" Manik asked.

"I am fine. It's quite late; your partner must be waiting," Abhimanyu replied.

Aarohi was shocked seeing Abhimanyu's behavior. She got the idea that he is angry and not in the mood right now to talk.

Manik left after seeing Abhimanyu was not in the mood to talk right now.

Abhimanyu, the way you were talking with Manik wasn't correct.

Wow, you both have become good friends in such a short time.

Why are you being sarcastic, Abhimanyu?

Aarohi, you won't understand what I am saying.

Exactly, I want to understand what you are saying.

Leave it, Aarohi.

They both got into an argument, seeing their argument growing. Abhimanyu pulled Aarohi by the wrist and put his other hand on her mouth. They both looked into each other's eyes. Abhimanyu was only seeing Aarohi's eyes and was lost. Aarohi pushed him with her hand.

"What are you doing, Abhimanyu?"

"I want to shut you up, Ms. Radio. Just keep quiet."

"Do you want to say I talk a lot, Abhimanyu?"

"See, Aarohi, I am not in the mood to fight again, so let's sleep. I am very sleepy."

"I am talking to you, and you are thinking about sleeping."

"See, Aarohi, please, I am requesting. I am very tired. Let's sleep now, and we can fight tomorrow. Okay, goodnight."

"Wait, Abhimanyu, what do you mean, 'goodnight'?"

"Now what happened, Aarohi?"

"I am not going to share the bed with you.

Fine, Aarohi, you can sleep on the couch.

You sleep on the couch.

I am not going to sleep on the couch, Aarohi.

You will.

We can share the bed.

Sharing a bed with you is not possible.

Ok, Aarohi, I am sleeping on the couch because I am very sleepy right now.

They both slept peacefully at the end of the day.


Live, Laugh and Love
If that doesn't work???
Load, Aim and Fire.


Author's note:-

I wish you maybe enjoying the content. Do vote and comment you ideas. If there will be 15 votes per chapter I will surely upload 2 chapters on the given days. So the chapters are in your hands only.

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