His first experiment involved non-living beings, objects that served as preliminary tests. Renjiro selected simple tools to gauge the versatility of the storage seals.

As Renjiro infused chakra into the seals, he observed the subtle glow that accompanied the successful activation of the Enclosing Technique. The once-tangible objects now existed within the mystical confines of the scroll.

Renjiro kept piling up objects into the seals. This continued until the objects could no longer be stored on the seal.

'I knew the storage dimension always had limits unless there would be a seal similar to the Kamui. But the accepted weight is around 40 kgs (88 pounds) which is rather disappointing. Considering the puppeteers of Suna use storage seals, theirs must have an upper limit.'

Satisfied with the initial results, Renjiro's curiosity grew. Now, the focus shifted to living beings—rats, small and agile, serving as test subjects for the more intricate aspects of the Enclosing Technique.

As he tried to seal the rat, he felt some sort of resistance at first, but he decided to use brute force to overcome the resistance. After sealing the rat, he quickly inscribed the unsealing technique.

The symbols for unsealing, etched in his mind, flowed seamlessly from quill to parchment. The relations between the two techniques worked like keys and locks where the Lock was the enclosing technique. The unseal technique was the key where you had to overlay it on the Enclosing seal.

Doing so all the objects previously stored came out and Renjiro anxiously examined the stored Rat. To his disappointment, the rat had died.

'Makes sense. The resistance I faced was probably a hint that It would not work. The rat probably died from the lack of oxygen in the other dimension. But if it kills a living being, why haven't people used this as a way to end fights?'

'Just Imagine fighting someone like Madara and just sealing him wouldn't he die? That would be a pipe dream, I think because the difference in Chakra reserves of the target and user would have to be on different levels. Secondly, did Edo Tensei qualify them as living beings?'

Realising that he was veering off from his current objective, Renjiro decided to finish up on his experiment.

'Now since these two parts work, I need to make the Storage seal, which effectively combines the two techniques.'

As Renjiro concluded his initial experiments, a sense of accomplishment and humility washed over him. The two Techniques, once abstract, now materialized before him in seal form. He now had to move to the storage seal.

But just as he was going to, A loud knocking on Renjiro's door reverberated through the quietude of the room he was in, interrupting his concentration. The unexpected interruption drew Renjiro's attention away from the scrolls and symbols that had captivated his focus.

'Who could it be, I did not even sense their arrival.'

Renjiro had formed a habit of activating his chakra field whenever he was at home. Sato had advised him to do this as a way to keep training his sensory abilities. Currently, his chakra field was at thirty meters. Renjiro approached the door.

As he swung the door open, the sight that greeted him was as enigmatic as it was imposing. An Anbu ninja, clad in the anonymity of their distinctive mask and uniform stared back at Renjiro.

The Anbu ninja's mask bore the visage of a wolf. Stray strands of hair peeked out from beneath the hood, adding an element of mystery to the anbu's appearance.

The Anbu ninja wasted no time in delivering their message. Their voice, muffled by the mask, held an authoritative tone that brooked no argument.

"Uzumaki Renjiro, your presence is required,"

'Who might be behind this? Daichi sama? No, this is an Anbu. Maybe it's the Hokage. But why would he want to see me? And at this ungodly time.'

A cascade of thoughts tumbled through Renjiro's mind but the urgency conveyed by the Anbu's presence left little room for hesitation.

Renjiro nodded in acknowledgement, and without uttering a word, locked up his house.

With a final glance, Renjiro found himself enveloped in the seamless cloak as the Anbu initiated the Body Flicker Technique.

'This is fast! It is actually disorienting.'

In an instant, the surroundings blurred into moving streaks as they traversed the hidden paths of Konoha.

Due to his limited experience with body flicker jutsu, Renjiro could barely perceive the direction they were heading amid the swift transitions.


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