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......Bench Arena......

Hazel was busy with a class make up project which needed to be submitted as soon as possible. Iris sat opposite her lost in thought and instantly Hazel looked up and tapped Iris's hand which was placed on the concrete table.

"What's up? Thinking about the ball tomorrow. I'm so excited for it tomorrow and guess what? My gown is already in my closet waiting for me to slay"Hazel giggled.

"Hazel do you know anything about Enzo's past girlfriends?"Iris asks and Hazel paused to look at her.

"W-Why are you asking? Are you jealous or..."

"Just tell me."Iris said sternly.

"Well Lucy and Arielle...no one heard of them ever since they left this school. Stacy,I heard she studying abroad and as for Kayla she's still in the country. She attended the basketball competition....she was among the cheerleading team."Hazel said.


"Why are you asking?"Hazel asks glaring suspiciously at Iris.

"Nothing....I just wanted to know something."Iris said plainly.

"Okay."Hazel shrugged it off and resumed what she was doing.

"Could it be Kayla?"Iris wondered as of which of his ex he was sleeping with.



Castillo turned and saw who it was. He was actually on his way to the basketball court when he heard his name and it happened to be Lorenzo.

"What?"Castillo asks in extreme rudeness.

"What happened between you and Iris in Paris?"Lorenzo asks.

"Nothing asides me proving my love to her."Castillo smirked.

"Castillo did you tell Iris anything about what you.."

"I didn't tell her because I don't ever want her to get hurt but that dosen't mean that'll let your relationship with her continue for long. I'm going to sit and watch you break."Castillo said.

"Castillo I love Iris. I love her so much and I know what I did was wrong but I really do love her....I'll go crazy if I loose her.."

"Then I'll gladly take you to a mental institute I promise to even visit you everyday."Castillo snapped at him and Lorenzo clenched his fists angrily.

"I'm bring nice Castillo... don't make me loose my temper....."

"Or else what? The demon in you will unleash? Goodness Enzo, don't even bother me with this nonsense again!"Castillo said and turned to leave but then halted after taking a few steps away from Enzo.

"We were inseparable friends Lorenzo and I never thought that a day would come when we'd be at each other's throats because of a girl......I'm sorry but this time I'll choose my happiness over our friendship."Castillo said lowly and walked out on him.

Lorenzo ruffled his hair and breathed out trying to calm down.

"I won't make it easy for you either."He mumbled.


Logan walked back into his office and met Grace lying on a sofa with a smirk on her lips. Her first three buttons were open and her gaze diverted to Logan as he walked in.

"Have you gone crazy?"Logan asks scrastically walking to his chair and as soon as he sat down,Grace walked and sat on his desk, turning his chair slightly to face her.

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