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Castillo and Vida walked out of the car and straight into the park, holding hands.

"What do you want to get?"Castillo asks.

"I want ice cream please..."Vida pleaded.

"You should cut down on the way you eat junk foods."Castillo said as they walked to the Ice cream booth.

"One chocolate ice cream..."Castillo said to the man and he nodded.

He served the ice cream to Visa and she took it happily, spooning it into her mouth.

"Thank you.."She muttered as the walked away.

"Why'd you want us to go out? And if all places at the park."Vida said.

"Going to a fancy restaurant or buffet is so so boring....and I just wanted fresh air and enjoy nature."Castillo said.

"When did you become a lover of nature?"Vida asks arching her brow.

"Just now."He said.

"Anyways you haven't answered my question. Why'd you bring me here?"She asked and they both stopped facing each other.

Was he really doing the right thing? He's going to give the girl false hopes. But also he's love for Iris is a false hope too. He just has to give it a try.

He heaves a deep sigh then walked closer to her, holding her left wrist.


"You..... you what?"Vida asks but he kept mute.

"Cas....what is it?"Vida asks.

"I....want you to teach me how to love you."Castillo said and Vida's jaw dropped.

"Stop looking at me like that."Castillo said turning his gaze away from her.

"Is this a prank or am I dreaming perhaps?"Vida asks in shock.

"You heard me. I won't say it again."Castillo said walking away while she ran after him.

"Hold on....."She said stopping before him.

"Just make things clear to me will you?"Vida nudged him but he couldn't even find the courage to say it again.

More like he didn't even want to say it.


He stopped her by instantly kissing her lips. He broke the kiss and hugged her.

"So...what are you saying?"Castillo asks.

"You've always known that I love you right? And I'd never give up on you. I promise you Castillo,I will make you love me......even more than you could ever think."She said standing on her tip toe and kissed him.

"Whoa! Whoa! Best netflix movie ever!!"Riele chuckled as she approached them with Miguel.

"What's up bro.."Miguel said doing their usual handshake with Castillo.

"Since you guys are here...we can go on a double date."Vida said.

"Sure why not? Vida let's go to the toy store......there's a teddy bear I want so bad!!"Riele said dragging her out.

"Teddy bear!!!! Are you still a kid Riele!!"Vida yelled from afar.

"Cas what are you doing?"Miguel asked while Castillo ruffled his hair.

"Like I told you,I just want to give it a try."Castillo said.

"Alright, but once you realize that it's going to be pointless,tell her instead of giving her false hopes."Miguel said as they left to the girls.

FALLING FOR HER SMILEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant