���Logan's Room ���

Christine walked in and laid down on the bed. Logan was already fast asleep. He was worn out cause the kids kept nagging him all day at the beach.

She was about to sleep when her phone rang. She took it and saw that it was Anna...

��� Hello Anna

���Good news girl

���What happened? Did you find out something new.

���Something big.

���What is it?

���I know who has Emily


���Cole. They're the ones who took Emily and I'm sure they're hiding her somewhere but it seems like their investigation is now based on focused on you.

���Alright.. we're coming home as early as 8am tomorrow so we can talk properly.

���Okay.. goodnight.

���Goodnight and thanks for your help.

���Anything for you bestie.���




Olivia stood in her room looking out the window. It's past 10pm but she's finding it difficult to sleep. Her conversation with Emily kept replaying in her head.

She had Vanilla's baby blanket in her hand as she snuggled it tightly as tears streamed down her cheeks.

William stepped into the room and found her sobbing bitterly, again. This is what she does every night for seventeen years... always hoping that her daughter would come back to her. William walked over to her and embraced her tightly.

"Olivia stop crying. Vanilla will come home to us."William said patting her hair.

"For how long do I have to wait? I know I didn't give birth to her but she's my daughter..!! She's my flesh and blood!! I wasn't able to watch he grow. I wanted another child badly so that Vida's childhood won't be lonely. I wanted them to be the best of friends but Emily took her from me and now she's missing!"Olivia cried out.

"You know Emily is right,I'm a total failure....as a woman,a wife and a mother. I failed you and our kids. I'm so worthless....I have to kiss but none of them grew inside me. I wasn't able to feel them grow inside me......I failed....I'm so worthless."Olivia sobbed sitting on her bed.

"You never failed Olivia. I love you,Vida loves you...I married you despite knowing your medical condition and that's because I want to build my family with you. You didn't fail as a mother either. You were a very good mother to Vida and I'm sure that you'd do the same if Vanilla were here."William said to her.

He ran his fingers on her cheeks and wipes the years that wouldn't stop falling.

"But what if I never see her again...? We don't even know if she's dead or alive..."Olivia mumbled.

"Shhhhh. We'll find her....our family will be complete...don't loose hope."William said.

He made her lay down on the be and kissed her cheek. He also laid down beside her an place her head on his chest before she slowly drifted off to sleep.

........... NEXT MORNING........

......LOS ANGELES........fast forward....

���️ VEGARA'S ���️

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