Chapter Five

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*Louis Pov

It's been about three weeks since i've had dinner with harry and his girlfriend I've been keeping my distance as much as i could even when i knew I didn't want too , My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started to ring. "Hello who is this ?" I asked as I waited for the person on the other line to answer me. "Hey this is harry's girlfriend I know you wanna know how I got your number but none of that matters just know you really need to stay away from him i see how he looks at you every single time and i refuse to let him be taken away from somebody like you" i heard the other girl shout at me all i could do is stand there in shock. "Okay Selena .. your wish is my command" i said to her as I quickly hung up the phone.

Shortly after i got myself ready to meet up with liam and niall i hated to keep secrets from them so i knew i had to tell them about the phone call i had with harry's girlfriend just hours before. Twenty minutes later i pulled up to our favorite brunch spot where they sat and waited for me. "Hey mates vas happening" I smiled at them as i pulled out a chair and sat beside them. "Hey loubear there was something you wanted to talk to us about?" Liam asked as he took a sip of his drink I nodded my head slowly as i took a deep breath to speak again. "Yeah uhm his girlfriend called me this morning she warned me to stay away from him and i really don't want too but on the other hand I don't want any problems with her so i told her that i would it was the best thing for me to do." I stared at them as i waited for them to respond when finally niall spoke. "hey lou i think you did the right thing as much as i know you didn't wanna." Liam and him both smiled at me and just by talking to them for those long hours i knew I'd be okay.

*Harry's Pov

Lou has been slightly ignoring me for the past couple days and honestly I can't say it hasn't hurt me but I know I need to stay focused and keep him off my mind it would be the best thing to do right now , I made my way back upstairs to me and sel's room when I heard her quickly hang up the phone just seconds before I opened the door to our bedroom. "Sel who were you on the phone with ?" I asked her as I tilted my head to the side waiting for a reply. "It doesn't matter harry just know they finally got the message that's all you need to know now come cuddle with me." She stated as she sat her petite body on the bed I looked at her and crossed my arms. "No I'm not gonna cuddle with you who in the bloody hell were you on the phone with selena!" I screamed at her waiting for a response. "It was Louis okay !!! He needs to stay away from you he gets too comfortable around you !!" She shouted at me back and all I could do is be filled with rage so I turned around to leave that was my current best option I went to close the door when she yanked me back with force. "YOU DO NOT GET TO WALK AWAY FROM ME I WAS THERE FOR YOU WHEN YOUR STEP DAD DIED NOT HIM !" I balled up my fist and bit my lip in anger. "Selena please let go of me." I said softly as I reached for the door again suddenly she pulled out a razor nearby and sliced me with it." I looked down at my bleeding wrist and stared at her in disbelief I never knew someone who claimed to love you so much could be capable of that.

Thirty minutes later I finally was able to walk out of my room to go clean up my wrist where she had just sliced me only awhile before I looked at myself in the mirror and reached in my back pocket to pull out my phone I wasn't sure who I was gonna call but I knew I needed to rant to somebody so I got myself together and dialed the one person I knew I shouldn't had called.

A/N lmaooo i know i know another cliffhanger whoever could it be ??? guess we'll find out next chapter !

Xoxo Ray <3

Don't Ever Leave Me  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora