Chapter 2

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The theater was grand, considering the school wasn't particularly nice and the area wasn't outlandishly expensive. The stage was bigger than Yunjin had anticipated, and she already felt bad for whatever poor actors had to stand on it with all the lights on them.

The three friends walked in together, expecting to be early but greeted with the sight of newcomers. Yuri and Jihan were already there, and Yunjin purposely made herself smaller and hid behind Kazuha to try and avoid Jihan.

"Yun, you're going to hurt her feelings," Yena whispered.

"What kind of reaction am I supposed to have to her adoration?" Yunjin asked.

"Be mature," Yena pushed her shoulder when Jihan looked in their direction. "Hiding from her is so childish,"

"You're childish," Yunjin grumbled, nevertheless coming out from behind Kazuha.

"Okay, I've got to start the practice," Kazuha said, raising her voice so it could be heard all around the theater. "Can I have everyone gather onstage?"

The small crowd of girls had gathered around her, but Yunjin took a seat in the house since she wasn't a part of the cast. Yena, Yuri and Jihan followed her, but sat a little ways off, talking softly about something Yunjin couldn't hear.

"So unfortunately, our search for a Prince continues," Kazuha said, and the crowd of girls groaned. "I had someone online to play it, but she canceled last minute," Kazuha shot a glare into the audience. Yunjin shrank in her seat.

"But thanks to you all, the other roles have already been filled," Sakura piped up. "When you hear your name called, please step forward,"

Yunjin leaned in slightly. She was interested in who actually wanted to be in the play. Surely these had to be people with no social life, otherwise they wouldn't commit social suicide like this. To be fair, Yunjin was far from being at the top of the social chain, she was mostly known as that weird, scary emo kid with the weird friends, but that was fine with her. She was respected, in a sense, since apparently she looked really scary before one talked to her. According to Yena, she was secretly a really sweet person, but Yunjin liked to be known as the scary, mean girl.

"First off, we have Ning Yizhou and Uchinaga Aeri as the King and Queen," Sakura called, and both of the girls stepped forward, Kazuha beckoning them to come stand by her. Sakura crossed them off the list on the clipboard she was holding. "Yu Jimin is playing the role of Mother Gothel,"

Yunjin's eyes widened in surprise. Yu Jimin was in this? But she was a gorgeous, intelligent senior? For god's sake, she was on the student council, why would she want to be in the play?

"Eunbi, Hyewon, and Chaeyeon, you will all be playing the castle maids," Sakura said, squinting at the paper. "Oh, and Minjeong too."

Another pretty senior? What was happening? For Minjeong it made more sense, she was kind of nerdy and into musical theater. Yunjin just didn't expect them to be in the cast with a bunch of lame sophomores.

Jimin and Minjeong caught each other's eye, Jimin smiling brightly while Minjeong only offered a blank stare. She turned away quickly, making Jimin's smile tinge with sadness.

Kazuha finished calling out the rest of the names, mostly background characters and extras. Yunjin got bored and took out her phone, deciding that this would be what would keep her busy till rehearsal was over.

"Who am I forgetting?" Kazuha said to herself, looking through the list of names.

"The lead, dumbass," Sakura took the clipboard. "The role of the Princess will be played by Kim Chaewon,"

girl (space) friend (purinz/chaewon x yunjin)Where stories live. Discover now