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"Captain Rogers requires your presence in the briefing room in 15 minutes." JARVIS's voice boomed through Nayla's room. She groaned as she tossed around. It was 7:10 am. "Is it urgent?" Nayla asked. "Yes Ms. Mukhtar, he seems to be in a distressed state." JARVIS replied. It better not be about the love triangle between him, Bucky and Sam.

Nayla walked into the briefing room exactly 15 minutes later. It was only her and the Captain, which irked her further. She never got over what he said to her the day they first met. It wasn't her pride that was bruised, it was her soul. He had always been bold, but she never took him to be bold enough to accuse her of inflicting her worst nightmare upon herself. He accused her of slaughtering her family, of pretending to be 'innocent'.

The air had always been tense when they were around. Even though Steve was regretful about what he said, he never apologised or attempted to. Nayla's distaste of him stemmed from the day of the incident, but what fueled it was how self-righteous he is. How he never stepped off of his high horse, how he firmly believed that the world should bend to his rigid morals.

Nayla sat and glared at him, prompting him to start his speech. He pulled up tens of footage on holograms, all from Nayla's mission in Madripoor. From the displeased expression on his face she knew what was to come. She leaned back, enjoying the discomfort twisting Steve's features.

"Care to explain your methods?" Steve raised an eyebrow at the brooding girl. "No." She actually does not care to explain anything to Steve. "You think that this is some sort of game kid?" His condescending tone started slithering beneath her stoic mask. "Individuals like you who abuse their powers are why Sokovia accords were made in the first place." Steve leaned his palms against the table. Nayla had enough of his bullshit.

"Captain you are a sick sick man if you think that I am too hard on them, do you have any idea what no restraints play is?" Nayla tried to keep her cool. "And you don't have to worry your little brain about the re-initiation of the Sokovia accords because I am no Avenger, so far I don't exist."

Steve grew more and more irritated by Nayla's words and he couldn't place his finger on why. She had a point regarding her identity, but that didn't mean he liked the destruction and havoc she left behind like breadcrumbs. They were heroes for god's sake, they are supposed to instil goodness in people, to guide them back to do the right thing.

"I do not care. As your captain you will improve your methods in combat or you are out of this team." Steve's voice gradually increased as anger dripped off each word. She laughed a dry and bitter laugh. He crossed his arms clearly done with her. "You think you can do that? You really do think so highly of yourself Steven." Nayla tilted her head to the side, a sick smile that didn't reach her eyes plastered on her face.

"You are testing my patience." He huffed out. "And you are testing my self-control." Nayla shot back. "As your Captain, this is your last warning to watch your mouth." Steve seethed. "You are not my captain, if you read my contract you would know that I respond to Fury. You are only my captain when the authority is delegated down to you, till then watch your own mouth teammate." Nayla walked out and slammed the door.

Nayla was stabbing her crepes with her fork, the gloom still clouding her mood. Mondays are still shitty even if I skip school. She needed some time to unwind, to let her mattress learn the curve of her spine. But dreams aren't reality, she had a press conference to attend at 11 sharp.

Since the footage in Madripoor surfaced, the public have been dying to know her. Some feared and some cheered. She lazily skimmed over the countless articles going viral. 'A VICIOUS BEAST OR A GOD SENT ANGEL?'

"Hey umm I was wondering if you want to train with me since you have magic too." Wanda pleaded. She had always wanted to befriend Nayla, she was unsure of how to approach her. "Sure, let's go." Nayla rinsed the soap off her plate and placed it on the drying rack.

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