Moonlit secrets

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The sun was retiring for the day. It hung low on the sky with its ribbons colouring the horizon. How Nayla seemed to give beauty a whole new meaning, basking in the rays of the golden hour; is what Peter first noticed while approaching her. Though she might not voice it out loud, Peter was starting to thaw her heart. Only him.

During the few weeks that they have known each other, Peter started admiring her more and more. He admired her strength and resilience. How she always got back up. He admired how dedicated she was to topics that interested her. How she perfected every little thing she did.

Coffees in hands, they started walking towards the nearest park. As Peter is dangling hand touched Nayla's, for once she didn't pull away. She selfishly basked in the warm feeling that spread through her chest, that made her heart beat a little faster than she needed. She didn't understand the sensation nor did she care to. Peter was buzzing with excitement to text Ned and MJ to tell them that he made progress.

The conversation drifted to a risqué territory as the sun dipped and the moon gracefully took its reign on the sky. Peter's soft features illuminated and glowed under the dim and faint moonlight.

He looks beautiful, Nayla thought. Like the iridescent surface of a lake, the vibrant petals of flowers during spring. To her he represented the incapsulating beauty in everyday things. She liked him for everything that she isn't.

"Sometimes I wonder if being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman is enough. Am I enough?" Peter paused as he took a shaky breath. Nayla jumped from the top of the monkey bars to sit on the swing next to him.

"I have been Spiderman for over two years and I still get treated like a child, the only thing I do is break up street fights and chase robbers. A part of me feels selfish that I have this much power but I am not using it to its full potential, I can be more than this. You get me?" Peter spilt his insecurities and doubts to Nayla.

"You have always been enough, Peter. Proving yourself to them is a process that won't come overnight. But I know that you will make it." Nayla knew she isn't great at comforting but she tried.

"What about you?" Peter glanced at Nayla. "Tell me something that changed you Nayla." For some reason unbeknownst to Nayla, she trusted Peter. Talking to him was entertaining and comforting. He had this air of acceptance that broke Nayla's walls down

"Growing up" Nayla paused as she pushed down the disgust and rage bubbling through the surface. "There was this woman lurking around, it unnerved me. No matter how fast I ran, she would catch up to me. She once pinned 10-year-old me to the ground, her metal boots crushing my chest. I remember how her armor-clad figure loomed over me and demanded that I give her on of my dad's discoveries, something called the stabiliser." Nayla went on much to Peter's dismay. With every passing word he felt the fist of sheer horror grasp his stomach. He couldn't imagine a child being stalked and beaten up by a complete stranger. God what else did she go through.

"I refused to break, to give up, to tell anyone. I relentlessly fought her back till I physically couldn't. Just like I learned how to hide my wings with Illusions, I learned how to hide my scars and bruises. I learned how to stitch myself up, break my bones back into place." She refused to let her voice crack, to let her face morph into a pained expression. No. She cannot let the woman break her.

"I never understood why she came after me for the stabiliser when she had a better chance to find whatever the hell she wants in the Kamar Taj temple." When Nayla's remark wasn't met by any reply, she turned to look at Peter. His features softened at her; his eyes held more than the tip of his tongue. He was speechless.

He put his arm around Nayla's shoulders and pulled her into him. Her head lay on his chest. He rubbed his hand on her back as he whispered, "Nayla, please tell me if anything happens to you. I will be there; I am always there for you."

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