"Sorry, but ever since I officially met them, I get bad vibes from them. Especially Tina. She always sets me off. Does she still try to hit on you?"

"Not as much as she used to. Don't worry, my friends will warm up to you eventually. But, until then, you're still going to go out with me today.

"Fine alright, I'll come. Give me 15 minutes, and I'll come pick you up okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you then. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up my phone and put it down back on the table.

Senior prom. The dance everyone spazzes out on. I swear, everyone treats it like it's their damn wedding day. Only instead of having bridezillas, you have promzillas. All last week, Luna kept asking me if I'd go with her. She thought that if she kept bugging me, I'd change my mind, give in and say yes. Finally, she just stopped asking all together.

After I got washed up and ready, I got in my car and went to pick up my girlfriend. There was another car in her driveway, so I had to park on the side of the road. I texted Luna to let her know I was here. Soon enough, she came out from her house. As she was walking, I couldn't help but to stare at her flawless self. Her dark brown hair shone as the sun beamed down on her. Her shirt hugged her torso at all the right parts, and her short jean shorts exposed her sexy slim legs.

I must've been gawking at her for more than I though, because I didn't even notice when she entered my car. I felt her cup my chin in her hands, and she pushed my lower jaw up so that my mouth was closed. She then gave me a small peck, and I instantly felt a little embarrassed for staring at her like that.

"Whenever your ready, feel free to avert your eyes to the road. I know I'm cute, but you don't need to spend a whole chunk of your life gawking at me." Luna joked.

I rolled my eyes at he. I started my car again, and drove back on the road. "So, that car in your driveway.. I'm guessing it belongs to your older sister?"

"You'd be guessing right." She replied. She sighed, and put her head on the window. "Don't worry, she doesn't know that I'm with you."

"Who'd you tell her you were going out with?"

"I told her I was going with some random girl, but I don't think she cared. I don't even think she heard me say goodbye when I left. She's been on the phone for a couple of hours with somebody." She shrugged.

"She probably found herself a new love interest." I smirked at my remark.

"As if. Ever since my sister's last girlfriend, she hasn't shown the slightest interest in anyone else. Besides, she's been too busy telling my brother and I about the hunter-werewolf shit. She started training us a little bit on basic hunter skills."

"Oh great. Remind me to never get you upset."

Luna giggled, then she put her hand on my free hand that was resting on my leg. "Don't worry, I have no intention on coming after you or your family. Even if we break up, for whatever reason, I still won't come after you."

Yeah, she says that now, but just wait.. I'll probably fuck things up with her, and hurt her so badly, that she'll change her mind. Jen told the same thing to my sister, and look where they are now.

"Besides," Luna breathed again, "I'm not into the whole hunter thing. I just kind of wish I was just a regular human being."

I glanced over at her, and took in a deep breath. "I know what you mean. I wish I could just detach myself from my wolf sometimes."

"Are you kidding? The fact that you have the ability to shift is kind of awesome, I'm not gonna lie."

"Yeah, but like I always tell you, it can be a pain in the ass. But, there's nothing I can do about it. I was just born this way."

I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGirl) [Lesbian Story]Where stories live. Discover now