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Even though his birthday was supposed to be something to be happy about, I felt anything but. The voice from earlier, telling about the Hourglass Curse... I looked around, hoping nobody could sense the fear I felt deep within.

Tick tock, said the voice again. My eyes went hollow, and I was unable to keep up the facade of cheerfulness. "M-Mom? Is something going on?" Riley asked.

"Must be something to do with the big hourglass in my room," said Dustin. "She's been acting weird ever since she saw it."

"Hold on— hourglass?" Ivan stared at Dustin. "Never knew you were a fan of hourglasses!"

"I'm not!" Dustin exclaimed, a yellow blush visible on his visor.

"Guys, please calm down!" I sighed. "Your father and I are gonna have a little talk about this hourglass thing."

"Can we come too?" Ivan asked. I shook my head, feeling guilty about hiding what the voice said from my children, and took Evan to our room. 

"So, K, what's this about an hourglass?" Evan asked.

"I found an hourglass in Dustin's room, and a voice in my head said that it was linked to the Hourglass Curse," I briefed, my voice laced with fear. "Whatever the Hourglass Curse is, it has some sort of connection to Dustin, and..."

Into the forest of the Cabin Fever you must go, walk in the direction the crosswinds blow, the voice said. I repeated the words to Evan, and he replied, "'Trek the path your parents have too... right until the elevator, and you're halfway through.'"

"I think the voice told us where to go to break the curse!" I gasped. "Or at least hinted..."

"But we only have a week until Dustin dies," Evan muttered, crestfallen.

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