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(Dustin's POV)

After several long days, it was finally my fifteenth birthday. As I got out of bed, I noticed a large hourglass, even taller than my mom, resting on the floor at the foot of my bed. Weird, I thought, looking at the hourglass. Who would send me a giant hourglass for my birthday?

The hourglass had no label, nor did it have a card, not even one saying a simple "Happy Birthday".

Puzzled, I called my mom over to my room.

(K's POV)

I came to the call of a highly puzzled Dustin. "Mom? Did you send this hourglass to my room?" Dustin asked. I shook my head no, then I heard a voice in my head saying, "The hourglass is a physical representation of the Hourglass Curse."

Hourglass Curse? Was this Hourglass Curse, the big hourglass, and Dustin all connected somehow? As my mind drifted over to this mystery...

"Mom?" Dustin's voice called.

I shook my head. "Oh, yeah, yeah, sorry..."

Dustin's face was laced with worry. "Is something wrong, Mom? You looked kinda... scared."

Despite the worries I felt within myself, I smiled, put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, and said, "Nothing's wrong, Dustin. Just enjoy your big day, okay?"

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