The Five Sisters

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The five sisters were revered across all of Elvendale for ending the Shadow War. Not only were they among the first elves to wield elemental magic, they were the first elves to master it.

Over the following years, each sister came to rule over a different region of Elvendale, except the fifth sister who loved nothing more than to explore. She didn't have any physical magic though. In a way, she reflected the old world where elves didn't wield any. She channels her "magic" through an amulet powered by her love. Love is considered the fifth element. The one that unites the other four.

The sisters helped push Elvenkind into this new era of magic, but they believed they could do more. Some said there was a world parallel to their own, one that bears the name of one of the elements, Earth.  

Wanting to reach out to this new world, the sisters built a portal. However, they also knew keeping the portal open would be dangerous. So to prevent any evils from crossing over, one of the sisters was chosen to be its guardian, even though that meant becoming mortal.

Note: According to the fandom, the elves of Elvendale are said to be immortal. But I believe they just have a longer life span than humans, and that the only true immortals are Lumia, Noctura, and the elemental guardians.

The fifth sister was chosen to be the guardian of the portal because of her strength in heart and curiosity. It was a great sacrifice, but a true honor. The rest is history.

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