Karen: Yes, but when you add heat to highly volatile chemicals, they--

Kara: Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm. So why do they all love him and nobody even notices me?

Khalil: you probably need to do something big like big save. Like me.

Kara: wym?

Khalil: I mean I single handly lowered crime myself by killing criminals, sending black mask out a window on fire, killed a bunch of illegal traders who were running a trade line, sent the heads of the lieutenants gang Lords in a bag that took me like 2 hours, and killed the scarescrow and that just the top of stuff I did.

The girls then look at you with widen eyes and jaw drops.

Khalil: what?

Jessica: you gave the heads of gang Lords lieutenants in a bag?

Khalil: yup.

Karen: khalil what did we talk about?

Khalil: (sighs) don't bring past murders cause that will give temptation to kill again.

Karen: that's right.

Khalil: look my point is do something better than superman then you'll get the attention you been wanting.

Kara: your right Khalil. Your absolutely right.

Jessica: Kara Danvers you are not murdering anyone!

Kara: no not that. But do something big to be noticed.

Diana: A word of caution, Kara. When we seek glory, it can sometimes blind us to the greater good.

Kara: Hmm. You're right. I'm gonna knock his grinning face off the front page.

Khalil: how bout I join you just in case. You know some Supergirl and red hood action.

Kara: oh I would love that..... I mean sure whatever come on.

Here we see an old woman as a robber came and stole her purse as he was making a run for it he was punched in the face by Kara as she is supergirl. Kara gave the elder woman her purse back. Then Lois and Olsen were near by.

Lois: Oh!

They both ran passed Kara as they see a vehicle make it's way from the bank only to be stopped by Superman.

Everyone came and started to cheer for superman as a newspaper showed him stopping robbers as Kara crumbled the paper into a ball as he looked at her and put his arm around her. Next a train as about to fall as Kara came and held herself between the part for the train to pass as she looked she saw the rest of the track destroyed as the train was about
to fall.

Kara: Ahhh! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

The train fell only for it to be caught by superman as he put it down safely as everyone began to cheer for him as lois and Olsen were there as Kara
got angry. Next showed a building on fire as Kara came and got a mother and girls out of the building but then superman came with a water
tower as he poured the water on the building putting out the fire as the crowd cheered for him as kara got angry from that then there was a
another newspaper as Kara tore it up you then to calm her down by giving her a hug. Which calms her down and she hugs her back. He then see a meteor coming down. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, he swiftly deploy a squadron of advanced drones equipped with cutting-edge capabilities to intercept the deadly meteor. With remarkable precision and coordination, Red Hood maneuvers the drones expertly, orchestrating a synchronized effort to intercept the meteor's trajectory before it can wreak havoc upon impact. Using their versatile array of functions, the drones form a protective barrier around the meteor, working in tandem to alter its course away from Earth.

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