Newfound // ep 4

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I emptied my bag of everything I collected. Among the onions and carrots was a tiny wallet. "What.." I said out loud. Maybe I accidentally collected it from the ground? It clearly belonged to a human.

I put it aside and started cooking. Some carrots i found, onion and pumpkin seasoned with herbs and garlic. I sat to eat, straight out of the pan. I remember making that pan with my dad, we found a ton of raw metal and he wanted to teach me how to forge.

After I had finished washing the dishes I sat on my bed. By now it was night time. It was quite around, I hate quite. But I don't like noisy either. I heard small noises around my home, almost like steps. It could just be an animal like any other getting in the house. I didn't mind it.

I went to sleep. In the morning I got up and changed into a comfy outfit, I didn't have many clothes but I found a lot of good fabric to make a nice shirt and shorts. You'd be surprised how much humans don't use.

I sat on the couch and listened to some human music. And suddenly I heard groans from the kitchen, sounds of a struggle. But it wasn't those of an animal but a.. humans?

I went over to check what was going on and I saw a fox attacking.. "Steven?" I said out loud. Steven turned around and looked me in the eyes for about a minute and then he began to shake.

The fox jumped on Steven quickly snapping him away from looking at me. As I approached the fox caught sight of me and ran away.

Steven was still starring at me, he looked terrified. I reached my hand to him to pick him up but he started running towards the bedroom, he ran surprisingly fast.

He ran under the bed where I couldn't reach him. "Steven? Is that you? Why are you here?" I asked, he didn't answer but I could hear little sobs from under the bed.

"Hey, no no don't cry it's okay just explain." He still didn't answer but I heard his little steps hesitating to walk forward. Finally, after about five minutes of me sitting cross legged next to the bed he came out, he was shaking still. I don't understand why he was so scared of me suddenly we were just fine yesterday. "Hi Lucas." He said

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