Chapter 7: Some Secrets Revealed

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Len let out a breath of relief as he finished watering the plants in Miss Glory's garden. He remembered having to do the same thing for his family's small garden back home. When he was younger, he and Varrick would water the plants together. His small buckets didn't do much, but his older brother always made him feel like he helped a great deal.

His heart ached at the thought of never returning.

Though they lived in the poorest district in Luxivita, Len enjoyed his life there. It wasn't the luxurious life that most people who lived in the city had, but Len wouldn't want to have been raised anywhere else. He looked at the town across the river and saw people walking around and talking to each other or doing chores around their houses.

On one of the houses, he saw Dolion and Absalom repairing a roof. Three women stood not too far from them and whispered to each other, giggling as they ogled the two shirtless men who paid them no mind. Instead of leaving his hair loose, Dolion tied the longer parts back, making the maroon triangle tattoos on his face stand out. Len could see various scars all around his body and saw that Sal had quite a bit too. Not that it did anything to mar their attractiveness.

Len felt a little guilty for staring at the Vulpkith male. He could admit to himself that he found the other man attractive, but his current situation needed his attention and he couldn't get too close to anyone.

He walked behind the house so he wouldn't hear the women. They wouldn't stop giggling and whispering loudly to each other about the men. Surely Dolion and his brother heard them. It would be hard not to. Len looked at the forest not too far from the house.

It was a different sight than what he had back home in the Riverfront District. Here, Miss Glory's house was more secluded since she lived across the small river from the town with only a short bridge connecting them. He and his family talked about moving out of the province and living in a village or small town near the forest. His mother missed living near one and loved the solitude it provided compared to a city. Now, he can see why since it was very peaceful.

"Looks like you're adjusting well."

Len jumped in surprise and threw the bucket at whoever was behind him. He quickly summoned his weapons and turned to the person who called out to him. His heart dropped when he saw Dolion standing there looking at him in surprise. "D-Dolion! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"

Dolion chuckled. "I just wanted to check on you and make sure you're okay. Didn't think I would get hit for it. I'll have to tell Alwyn my dodging is getting better."

The younger man covered his face with his hands. His cheeks burned and turned red from the embarrassment. He wished the earth would swallow up right now. "I-I-I d-didn't m-m-mean to a-at-tack you!" he stuttered. His heart started beating faster. It felt like there was a heavy weight on his chest and a lump stuck in his throat, making it hard to breathe properly.

"Hey, it's okay" Dolion reassured him. He gently pulled the younger man's hands away from his face and chuckled when he saw his red face. "I'm okay. You didn't hit me. Alwyn won't believe me when I tell her about this. She thinks my reflexes are slowing down." The ebony-haired man's reaction made him wonder about his past. Despite his slender figure and not looking like much of a threat, the throw had speed and power. Had he not dodged it, he would've been knocked out. There was more to Tegan than he initially thought. "And hear I thought you were just a pretty face."

Len glared at the other man. "I almost took your head off! Do I look like a defenseless damsel to you!?"

"If I said yes, are you gonna try to hit me again?" Dolion asked with a cheeky smile.

The younger man couldn't help but laugh and shake his head. The heavy feeling in his chest lightened up. "M-Maybe. It's not the first time people have thought that about me. I suppose compared to the average man, my appearance must look non-threatening. H-How would I explain you being knocked out to everyone?"

"Something tells me you're a lot stronger than what I and most people think. I've met a lot of people who didn't look like threats be the biggest ones," Dolion stated. "And it wouldn't be the first I got knocked out for accidentally scaring someone. Alwyn's knocked me out a few times with a broom and an iron skillet. If you're ever looking for a good skillet, Isolde, the town blacksmith, makes a great one. Strong, sturdy, and big enough handle to get a good grip and makes it easy to swing."

Len couldn't help but laugh at that. The lump in his throat slowly disappeared and his face and neck cooled down. "I thought Vulpkith were supposed to have good reflexes?"

"Alwyn's strength, accuracy, and reactions are scary," Dolion replied, scratching the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "So, don't feel too bad about knocking me out. If anything, it'll give Alwyn a good laugh. Getting knocked out by a bucket or- are those crystal balls?"

Len nodded and held his hand out so the two crystals floated above it. "Yes. I can summon them to me as long as they're not too far away and control them using my magic."

Dolion looked at the spheres slowly spinning around above the younger man's hand. One was translucent with a faint white aura surrounding it and glowing green and blue light streaks swirling inside. The other orb was a dark gray with pink and orange energy surrounding it. "Well, Alwyn definitely would've laughed if I got knocked out by these. She's evil like that." He poked the gray crystal ball and felt a small shock from it. "Interesting weapons of choice."

"M-My mother and brother taught me how to fight with them," Len revealed. He snapped his fingers and the two orbs disappeared.

"Don't know if I've heard of anyone using a crystal ball as a weapon. Sounds like something a witch would use...," Dolion wondered. He saw the ebony-haired man's shoulder stiffen and look away. His ears picked up the rapid heartbeat.

Len tried to calm his heart. "Well, she is decent with magic, but she's not a witch. Most of them were killed during the Vast Witch Hunt and you know witches and warlocks are often shunned in society. They hide their identities because people often run them out of civilization or try to kill them."

Dolion stared at him for a few seconds and chuckled. "True, but you wouldn't have reacted the way you did unless someone is after you..."

The younger man walked back to the shop and gasped when a firm hand gripped his arm. He looked up at the other man and felt like those gold eyes were trying to dig out the truth. Though a little frightened, Len stood as tall as he could to show he wasn't weak. "You think I'm a threat to this town?" Len asked quietly. He stopped and looked up at the taller man. He had a feeling that Dolion wasn't just looking at him because of attraction but feared Len was a threat.

Dolion's ears twitched again, having barely heard the question. He loosened grip on his arm, but still held him in place. "No, but I think whatever's chasing you is."

Len's eyes widened at that. "What do you...?"

"When you bumped into me yesterday, I could smell the fear on you and hear your heart beating very fast like it is right now. Your eyes reminded me of a rabbit who's caught sight of the predator hunting them," Dolion explained. "And I like to find out people's true reasons for coming to Ebonwood early. If I think they're here to cause trouble, I make them leave."

Len looked down. "Guess I better work on keeping my heartbeat steady around you." He peeked up at the other man and felt his heart skip a beat when he saw those gold eyes studying him. Deciding that it's better to be a little honest, Len straightened himself and looked him in the eye. "Just know I'll leave if the threat comes here. I won't cause any trouble for you or the people in this town."

The Vulpkith heard a steady heartbeat and felt relieved. At least he knew that the man before him told the truth. "Dare I ask what this threat is, Tegan?"

The ebony-haired male gave him a wry smile when his arm was released. "You can, but I won't tell the truth."

Dolion couldn't help but smirk at him as they walked back to Miss Glory's house. "I appreciate your honesty, but I asked because maybe I could help you. I am a sellsword after all. Protecting people is part of my job."

"Mercenary League? I didn't think they had a branch this far out in the province," Len questioned. He didn't think his father would hire them, but he couldn't rule out that possibility. After all, the League had many locations throughout the entire world.

"They don't," Dolion answered. "And I used to be in the League with my brother and sister, but we left a few years ago. Once in a while, I'll help out a former colleague but I prefer working by myself or my siblings. Ebonwood needs all the protection it can get. Brigands and bandits regularly attack small towns like it. My siblings and I prevent too much damage from happening." He opened the door to Miss Glory's shop and let the younger man go in first before walking in. Miss Glory was handing some stuff to an old human male customer, Harold, and waved to them.

"Thank you, Miss Glory," the old man said. When he saw the two young men, he waved to them too. "Dolion! I'm glad you're here. Finding you is so tough. You're always on the move."

Dolion laughed nervously and scratched his head. "Sorry, Old Man Harold. Been a little occupied since yesterday."

Harold looked over at Len and gave a hearty laugh. "Oh, I see! She's very pretty."

Dolion turned away to hide his laughter but gasped when a sudden pain spread through his side. He looked over at the younger man, who looked equally shocked at him and then at his fist.

Miss Glory cackled when the Vulpkith groaned in pain. She pushed her long auburn hair back and her gold eyes lit up mischievously. "Good hit! I can't wait to tell Alwyn about this. She's going to love it!"

Len felt bad when he saw the other man lean forward to cough and catch his breath. "I-I'm sorry. I don't k-know why I did that."

Miss Glory waved her hand and continued laughing. "He'll live. Dolion has a handsome face that just makes people want to hit him. And Harold, this is Tegan, he's my new apprentice."

The old man laughed nervously. "Forgive me, young one. My eyes aren't as good as they used to be. But I can see why Dolion is spending time with you. Boy always liked flirting with the prettiest girls and boys."

Len's cheeks heated up and he looked away. "So, that's why Alwyn calls him a 'lover boy'? Seems fitting."

Dolion straightened up after catching his breath and winced when he ran his hand over the area the younger man hit. "I can't even argue with her because she'll throw something at me or make me do physical labor."

"She's always put you in your place," Miss Glory pointed out. "But it seems Tegan here won't fall for your charms so easily. It'll be entertaining to see you put in work to make someone like you instead of them falling for you within five minutes."

Harold nodded in agreement. "That and watching him run away from Malene. That woman is still after him. Good thing I'm too old for her."

Dolion sighed dramatically. "I cannot believe my pain provides you entertainment! I only wish to be friends with Tegan. We've only known each other for two days. I just want him to feel welcomed!"

That's a lie. Len thought to himself. It was only the second day and he attracted the attention of a demi-human, something he hadn't planned on. All he wanted was to lay low until his family found a way to get him out of the province. Now that Dolion knew he was running from something, Len wasn't going to be left alone. Just my luck that I literally ran into someone like him on my first day here and now he won't leave me alone.

"We all know that's a lie," Miss Glory joked. "Even if isn't attraction, you're just being nosy and love learning people's secrets. You're like a mad researcher who loves dissecting dead bodies."

The Vulpkith shrugged and grinned at her. "What can I say? People are fun to dissect. Not literally. I'm not that sick...mostly." He looked over at Len and winked. The younger man's eyes widened and he heard his heartbeat speed up and his cheeks turn red again. "I just like getting to know people is all."

Empyreal Calamitiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें