04: The Vision

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Zenna led me into the main house, bypassing the grand front entrance and guiding me through the backdoor. As we stepped inside, the space transformed into a cozy and inviting kitchen area.

The kitchen boasted a modest size, with enough room to move comfortably. A four-seater dining table stood in a corner. The tabletop gleamed with a polished finish, contrasting against the warmth of the wooden chairs surrounding it. Marble countertops adorned the perimeter of the kitchen, adding a touch of elegance to the space. Their smooth surface provided ample workspace. Dark accents accentuated the design of the cupboards and sink, creating a striking visual contrast against the lighter hues of the marble. The floor beneath my feet was made of rich hardwood, adding a rustic charm to the room. Its glossy surface reflected the soft glow of the overhead lights, further illuminating the space.

My hunger clawed at me, combined with exhaustion from last night. I felt a little dizzy. I claimed a dining chair while Zenna walked around the counter. She had a zest in her steps that I couldn't understand. Either she was too happy to see a new face or too confused to know what to do.

"What brings you here?" she asked me as she opened cupboard after cupboard above the sink, not taking anything out.


She turned to me, the smile becoming creepier the more I watched her. "We don't get guests here. I'm sorry if I'm a little rough with my manners."

"Uh...that's fine." I hesitated, tapping my fingers on the hardwood of the dining table. I didn't know why Khaos couldn't just say I was his friend. "I got lost before your beta caught me. Khaos decided to let me stay for a while after hearing of my innocence."

"Rowan is excellent at his job. He captures trespassers without them realising. That's probably why you found yourself here without any knowledge. Anyways, what's your business here?"

"I'm hiding from someone you could say. Family."

"I bet they did something to piss you off..." Zenna sighed, giving me a pitiful look. "If Alpha thinks you're good to stay, I believe you too. Where are you from?"

"Cali." That's the only name I had in mind ever since Elsie told me about her acceptance. The realization that I could never celebrate my own or tell her the news killed me.

"Are you in a pack or a rogue?" she asked like neither was a big deal.

"Yeah...yeah I do..." I murmured, telling myself that that for sure wasn't a lie. My pack must be searching for me. I wondered if they managed to find the path I had taken. My parents were always protective of me so it wouldn't be a surprise if they had already put out a search party.

Zenna furrowed her brows. "Have I heard about them?"

"I don't know."

"Well, which pack is it?"

She was looking at me with such curiosity that it made something ugly course through me. It was like she was judging me. I had never been out of my pack ever so this was the first time I was getting judged by another wolf, that too someone who could turn. She looked to be around her mid-twenties and carried herself around quite confidently, unlike me.

"Pardon me, but are you trying to interrogate me or something?" I blurted, trying to divert the topic. "I don't mean to be offended but I'm just really hungry and my brain isn't braining right now."

"Oh, Goddess! I'm so sorry," Zenna exclaimed. She turned to the stove, disappearing for a few seconds under the counter to fetch things. "I can be talkative. Let me work something up for you. Do you like toast? We just finished our breakfast. We have some jam or I could make you scrambled eggs?"

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