Part 1

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Haya's POV:

As the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, I felt the warmth of the new day. However, my peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by the irritating sound of alarm clock. Groaning, I reached out to silence it, only to hear mom shouting from the kitchen.

Lazily rushing to the kitchen, mom informed me about an important interview scheduled for today. My eyes widened in realization - I had completely forgotten about it amidst my hectic schedule.

With a sense of urgency, I sprang into action. Swiftly got ready, wearing my favorite new brown Abaya along with beige hijab, ensuring I looked presentable for the interview. Though girls nowadays follow trends of wearing short clothes and open hair, I still love wearing Abaya and hijab. I can't afford to disobey Allah.

Descending the stairs, the aroma of a delicious breakfast greeted me. My family, noticing the rush, offered me blessings and words of encouragement. I felt a surge of gratitude and love as I received hugs and cheerful words from them.

Despite the morning rush, I felt a sense of calm and reassurance from family's support. However, glancing at the clock, I realized I was running late for the interview. The mix of nerves and excitement churned in my stomach as I hurried out the door.

As I made my way to the interview location, my mind raced with thoughts of the opportunity ahead. Nervousness intertwined with excitement, creating a whirlwind of emotions within. With each step, I reminded myself of the capabilities and the support of my family, finding strength in my belief.

I reached the company, my eyes widening in awe as I gazed at the imposing building before myself. With a deep breath, I entered the premises, my head held high and confidence radiating as I wore the hijab with pride. I sensed curious eyes on my attire, but I remained undeterred, focusing on my goal.

Approaching the receptionist, I inquired about my interview, my voice steady despite the lingering stares around me.

As I made my way through the vast corridors of the towering building, my mind consumed by nerves and anticipation for the upcoming interview, an unexpected encounter altered the course of my day. In a moment of distraction, I accidentally collided with a man, nearly losing my balance. Before I could hit the ground, strong, reassuring hands caught me, and as I looked up, I found myself gazing into a pair of striking green eyes.

Embarrassed by the mishap, I quickly apologized, hoping to diffuse the situation. However, instead of a polite response, the man's tone turned stern as he scolded me for being careless. In a surprising turn of events, I found myself standing my ground, confidently pointing out that his own distracted state, engrossed in his phone while walking, had led to the collision.

The man's expression shifted, his gaze piercing as he processed my response. Feeling a mix of defiance and unease, I chose to swiftly move past the encounter, eager to avoid any further confrontation. With a quick pace, I continued my journey through the building, determined to focus on the interview awaiting me on the top floor.

Upon reaching the designated floor, I entered the waiting area, a sense of nervous energy palpable in the air. Each passing minute felt like an eternity as I mentally prepared myself for the interview ahead. Finally, my name was called, and I entered the interview room, my heart pounding in my chest.

To my astonishment, as I faced the panel of interviewers, my eyes locked with a familiar pair of green eyes - it was none other than the CEO of the company, the same man I had encountered earlier. Shock and embarrassment washed over me as I realized the connection. Frozen in place, I struggled to maintain my composure in the presence of the CEO, my earlier confidence now a distant memory.

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