Chapter 15 - The lake

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I bite the end of the pencil for the umpteenth time and scribble over the words I wrote just now.
No, that's not good.
Tessa would never think these things.
I do, but she definitely doesn't.
I snort while coloring a corner of the page full of ideas and notes.
I'm definitely distracted by a thousand thoughts that crowd my mind and that I can't calm down.
After the evening I just spent with Hero, I can't help but relive our entire date on a loop. Saying it was perfect doesn't give an idea of how I felt and how I feel now.
My stomach is upset and I can still taste his lips on mine.
I nibble on them by running my tongue over them.
He kisses tremendously well!
My heart beats so much just thinking about it.
Did it really happen or was it just a dream?
I sigh, closing my eyes.
A sudden flash outside the window catches my attention.
After days of infernal heat, tonight it's finally raining and the temperature is more acceptable.
Of course, as soon as the rain stops there is the possibility that it will be even hotter, but for now I'm enjoying the moment.
I close my eyes again, breathing deeply the scent of the rain that beats incessantly on the glass of my room, slightly open to allow the air to pass.
It's relaxing and I really need to concentrate now.

"You are already awake?"

I turn to a familiar voice.
Hero rubs his eyes looking very sleepy, his hair disheveled.
That's not what catches my attention though.
He's in boxers, no shirt.
My gaze wanders over his figure, observing every detail.
It's sooooo hot! I'm breathless watching him.
From my surprised look, he must realize that something is wrong.

"Oh shit! I didn't think of that!!!" He runs off to his room and I laugh.

Like I've never seen a guy in boxers. Pfff...please!
His reaction was funny though and that's why when he comes out the door again, I'm still giggling.

"Sorry Jo! I went to the bathroom, saw the light on in your room and thought I'd check!" He runs a hand through his hair, messing it up even more.
I smile, biting my lip to avoid laughing again. He's seriously mortified and I still have to laugh!
"No problem Hero, really!"
He nods, still visibly embarrassed.

"What are you watching?" He comes close to me, peering out the window.
The lights of Atlanta reverberate in the darkness of the night. It's only 4.30 and there's still a little bit left before the sun rises.
Normally I'd be sleeping great at this time, but tonight I obviously can't sleep a wink.
Apparently I can't even concentrate on the script.
I read almost all the more complicated scenes and reviewed both my part and Hero's. I like to have the situation under control.

I show him my notebook and he nods, without saying anything.
We both look out the window, the patter of raindrops on the glass keeping us company.
It is a reassuring silence that is often created between us. I don't feel the need to interrupt him to say who knows what bullshit. It's nice to be like this.
Another flash of lightning pierces the sky, followed by quite loud thunder.
The storm is getting closer and closer and the rain is increasing accordingly.
It's raining so hard that, looking outside, everything is out of focus, even the street lamps seem enveloped in a kind of magic.
Cars rarely pass by and illuminate the landscape with their headlights, but what's more, the night reigns and the sound of the rain is the soundtrack.

"Are you worried about tomorrow?" Hero watches me, probably trying to figure out what's on my mind.

"I'd say I'm excited, more than anything" I smile at him.

“Do you want to try the lake scene again?” He whispers, looking at me intently.

The idea of kissing him again makes me suddenly hot.
I would really like it!
I sigh, closing the folder.
It's not a good idea.
"It's late. You should be in bed" I point out, without answering his question.
I'm afraid of losing control. Especially if we kiss here, in my room.

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