Chapter 3 - Josephine

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- How tall is he?!? -

A shower.
I urgently need a shower.
And sleep.
Even eating, now that I think about it.
And all not necessarily in this order.
The jetlag is killing me, I no longer understand what day it is, whether it is morning or afternoon. The sun is very strong, the heat suffocating but nothing that I'm not already used to after all. Perth is much worse in the summer.
Of course, if I think that I boarded the plane wearing a sweatshirt and heavy long trousers and now it's 40° here, it's a bit funny. Blessed reversed seasons! Luckily I thought in advance to bring a change of clothes, to use just before landing at the airport in Atlanta.
If I had come here in winter clothes, I would have already passed out from the heat!
The hotel's automatic sliding doors open as soon as I approach.
The structure is huge and modern, at least from the outside. People come and go like a raging river. There are certainly a lot of rooms in this hotel which is definitely impressive and smells like something expensive. Very expensive!

I hide a yawn by dragging the largest suitcase behind me. I managed to somehow fit the smaller suitcase on top of the other and I hope it will hold at least until I get to my room.
My room.
After so many hours walking around, without ever stopping, the idea of having a place where I can rest seems almost like a mirage.
I really need to stop for a second before I collapse from exhaustion.

Inside the lobby, the light marble floors seem to sparkle under the lights of the elaborate and glittering chandeliers.
Yes, it's all very expensive.
I'm not used to all this.
I, who usually go camping on holiday, am not really the luxury hotel type.
I'm definitely not complaining though. It will be a different experience and anyway it's work, I'm not on holiday.
All this reminds me that I still have to finish reading the script and I don't have much time to do so.
It feels like there's a clock on my head ticking away an inexorable countdown.
A week.
A week to study something that would have taken at least a month.
I will definitely make it but it will be tough!
I like challenges.
No, I love challenges! Period.

I also love this guy's eyes that are looking at me curiously.
I can't figure out what color they are exactly but they are really beautiful.
He has a sweet look and is smiling.
But the thing that amazes me is how tall he is!
I turn to see who's watching. There is no one behind me.
Is he looking at me?!?
Will I have something on my face?
Oh god, I definitely have something on my face!!!
I quickly clean my face by running a hand over it. I hope I have solved it.
Meanwhile he is smiling as if he knows me and I feel like I've missed some details. Should I know him?
Maybe it's tiredness, but I have no idea who he is.

"Hi, I'm Hero!" He smiles brightly holding out his hand while he is now a few steps away from me. "Pleased to meet you"

I look at him dumbfounded.
Up close he seems even taller!!!

"I'll be your Hardin for the next few weeks!" Continues.
I stare at him carefully, observing his features.
I can't take my eyes off him.
He has a magnetic smile and two dimples on the sides of his mouth that appear as soon as he smiles.
I take a deep breath.
I have to answer him and my brain feels completely blank.

And so he is, my co-star!
The mystery finally revealed!

I didn't imagine him like this, to be honest.
Sure, he's tall and has short, dark hair, but I don't see any piercings or tattoos on his body.
He is wearing a very simple black t-shirt with short sleeves and a pair of dark trousers, white sneakers, exactly like me.
If anything, we practically dress the same! Cute!

"Well, hopefully we can make other films in this saga too, so maybe we'll work together for more than a few weeks and... Oh God, I'm babbling, right?" Hero continues to speak and I have the impression that I only caught the final part of his speech, I was so busy observing him.
He continues to smile and I only now realize that I too have a huge smile on my face.
I'll look like a psychopath, standing here with him holding out his hand and waiting.
I immediately recover by offering him my hand in a firm shake.
"Oh yeah, sorry! The jetlag is killing me! I'm Josephine. Nice to meet you!" I say it all in one breath.

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