Chapter 14 - A real date!

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"Oh damn! Ok, it will stay like this!"
I sigh as I look at my reflection in the mirror.
This fucking shirt collar doesn't want to stand straight!
I bite my lip trying to find a solution but the whole shirt would have to be ironed again and I don't have the time now.
My stomach is upset and a slight anxiety keeps me company, mixed with the enthusiasm to go out with Jo tonight.
She and I are going out on a date.
I managed to organize a perfect date in record time!
I have no experience in this field, but I did my best to make it unforgettable and I hope I succeeded.

The sound of the shower coming from Jo's room brings me back to reality and I sigh again.
She's late, as always, but that's nothing new. I had calculated this too when I told her to get ready for 6pm.

"Damn fucking collar!" I snort.
I take a deep breath and check that I have everything: keys, cell phone, watch.

Jo went to the hotel gym to do pilates with Anna when we returned from lunch with the crew. She had to 'release the tension', her words. So now she's back in the shower, for goodness to my hormones.
I sigh again and try not to think that she is naked, right now, just a few steps away from me.
Now I can't help but think about her constantly, day and night.
I never saw her as a friend, that's for sure, but I didn't seriously think I could have feelings for her. I keep telling myself that the most important thing is to focus on work now and that's it.
Instead I dream about her, I imagine making her enjoy herself on my bed, in the shower, on my desk, everywhere!
I would like to eat those lips so soft and juicy with kisses all the time.
No, I don't think it's just sexual attraction because I really enjoy being with her, even just talking or watching a movie.
I would go for hours even without speaking, if it meant being with her.
I'm probably going crazy and these are the first unmistakable signs.
But do you want to know what is the most striking thing of all that happened in this period?

I stopped smoking!

I know, it surprised me too.
I never smoked a lot, but a few cigarettes a day were a must, at least until I came to Atlanta and met Josephine.
Now she is my constant thought and I have no room for anything else.
Furthermore, since she told me she hates smoking, I have eliminated cigarettes from my room. In fact, it seems I have eliminated them completely, even from my life! I didn't think it was possible honestly.
I had already tried to quit several times, without success.

As soon as my mother finds out, I think she'll have a monument erected for Jo somewhere in the living room.

It makes me laugh just thinking about it, as I torture the collar of my shirt some more.
Damn fold that stays all crooked!
Will I be dressed a little too formally for what we have to do tonight?
A first date is something important, to remember. I certainly can't go out in tracksuits and sneakers.
The black hat comes with me though. It's kind of a good luck charm now and I'm going to need it tonight, given how nervous I am.

"How should I dress?" The girl of my dreams appears in all her glory with only a bathrobe on and her wet hair tied in a messy bun.
Is it possible that I like her in every way?
I swallow and look for something intelligent to say while my heart goes to two thousand.
"This collar doesn't want to stand up straight!" Oh, yes of course. That's exactly what I wanted to say!
Jo comes dangerously close, inspecting how I'm dressed.
"You're elegant!" Her hands touch the collar of the shirt, brushing mine and I try to remain impassive.
The scent of her bubble bath reaches my nostrils, making me close my eyes to breathe deeply. Her fingers, so small and tapered, arrange the fabric around my neck, leaving a caress on my skin.
I swallow and try not to think about the chills she's giving me.
Soon there will be something clearly visible that signals my excitement and it would already be the second time in a single day.
Being a boy in the midst of a hormonal storm is not easy. Believe me!

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