10 Health And Trouble

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In the next 2 weeks we were regularly visited by a healer from the fox kings palace apparently the king somehow found out I was pregnant and wanted to make sure I had a healthy delivery so he had the healer deliver nice furs and fruits that are good for pregnant females and made sure my health was checked regally I'm not sure what to make of this situation because only me, Mason, Tyson and the healer from the lower district should have known about my pregnancy so I'm not sure how or why he decided he needed that information but it doesn't seem like he has bad intentions so I'm not too worried at the moment

Tyson also gave me his crystals soon after we had mated he had quite the stash 17 clear crystals and 2 green crystals I felt very lucky to have him as a mate. We then discussed it as a family and decided to use 10 of the clear crystals to get more land it is kinda pricey but we decided it would be worth it to be able to build my short bird coop and have more land to plant more fruit and veggies we were even given permission to build the coop since it is not a residence. Even if it is a long ways off it is always best to be prepared for the cold season so once we get a good harvest we will start trying to figure out how to preserve the food.

Recently my pregnancy started showing quite a bit and the healer determined that I was having male cubs to my relief it is not like I'm against having  a girl but I would need a much bigger family to provide enough protection especially if I were to have twins

I also found out through the healer that Mary had moved to the city early and had already announced her fertility to everyone I almost facepalmed hearing that. I had assumed I had more time to prepare till she moves here but it seems I wont be so lucky at least she will be living in the noble district with her prince so hopefully I dont run into her anytime soon 

I get out of bed furrowing my brows trying not to stress about the Mary issue as I peek out to see what my husbands are doing as I spot them outside Mason is tending to the garden while Tyson is a little further away getting some of our new land cleared so we can start building our coop 

I walk out waving to my mates as their heads snap to me the moment I step outside 'They must have heard my footsteps' 

Mason stands up right away getting to my side in an instant "What are you doing up so early? You should rest a bit more" He says as he looks me over with a worried expression 

I sigh and pet his head "I'm fine and besides I want to go for a walk maybe we can even stop by the market for some breakfast" 

Mason nods and lifts me into his arms and starts walking along the path as Tyson joins us 

"Is their anything you want to do today?" Mason says looking down at me 

I laugh and pet his head "I'm thinking it will be a good idea to get started on building the coop and maybe maybe you can take me to the forest to start foraging fruit so I can start growing my fruit trees but what I would like to do the most right now is walk on my own" I say as I teasingly poke his cheek 

"We are just worried about you flower what if you trip and fall your pregnant so as your mates we need to be more watchful of your health" Tyson says as he leans in to kiss my cheek 

"Tyson is right Rose we are just trying to keep you safe" Mason says with a worried expression

I shake my head letting out a frustrated sigh "I need to be able to walk if I dont exercise I wont be healthy anymore" I say as I feel all the warmth leave my voice

'I know they are just worried but they are being way too over the top I want to be free to do what I want I cant stand being controlled like this' 

Mason hesitates before carefully letting me down "I'm sorry Rose I wont keep carrying you if you dont like it I did not mean to upset you" Mason says as his ears droop and he lets out a small whimper 

I reach up and ruffle Masons hair making it stick out all over the place "You did nothing wrong by worrying but stopping me from being able to do what I want is a no no tho since you said sorry I will forgive you" I say taking each of their hands as I pull them down the street towards the market

As we walk up into the market I spot a new stall selling some kind of roasted veggie as I get closer I smell the aroma of potatoes 

I feel myself getting exited as I pull my mates over to the stall "3 of those please and some of the meat sticks too" I say as I point at the potato's and a meat that smells like lamb as Tyson hands over a clear crystal

Going out was a treat because of my lack of mates crystals are not as common for me as other females who have enough mates to go out on the colossus hunts or take jobs in the city to earn them 

I smile wide as I bite into the potato feeling all my earlier stress melt away as if I was never upset at all 'If only I had some butter I should work on a barn in the future'

The three of us look around till we find a quiet place to eat the rest of our breakfast but as I'm about to sit I freeze as I hear a familiar voice calling my name 

"Rose it is lovely to see you I just missed you so much" Mary says as she wraps my into a tight hug 

I look her over with a confused expression 'Did she forget she was angry at me the last time we spoke?' 

I give her an awkward smile "Mary it is nice to see you I had no idea you moved to the city too" I say trying to act as natural as possible

"Oh yes when I heard you had moved I just had to follow you their is no one else in this world who knows me as well as you do" She says as she starts to tear up gripping tightly into my hand

I see as beasts stare in our direction listening in to our convocation with curiosity 

"I see well did you get some new mates I see 2 new faces behind you" I say pointing to the peacock and merman very obviously trying to change the subject

Mary looks at the 2 and then back at me with an angry face "You dont think I would actually sleep with any of them do you?! I know you think it is important to have protection in this world but they have agreed to keep me safe without wanting anything more since that is much more fair then if they had to share me as a wife they are even free to leave me whenever they please" She says with a determination in her eyes as she crosses her arms looking very proud of herself

'Their is something seriously wrong with this woman'

As I look over her males they seem distraught even the prince that is normally very arrogant seems upset with her words and then I spot Troy peeking at me with curiosity as I give him a small smile making his face go slightly red

"I see well our views dont always have to align I guess" I say as I give Mary a smile "Tho we are not from here I have decided to adapt to this culture and it isn't all that bad I enjoy having such reliable husbands" I say as I gesture to my 2 mates behind me who in turn puff their chests out a bit with great big grins plastered on their faces

Mary looks at me shocked at my declaration "I dont exactly agree with you taking multiple husbands but I will overlook it for now as your my friend" She says as she turns around and waves at me "I will come visit you soon" is the last thing she says before walking off leaving the crowd that had formed to chatter amongst themselves

"I dont like that female" Says Tyson with a scowl spread across his face 

"Yea me neither you should have heard what she was like before we moved here that female is just trouble" Says Mason throwing his arms around me protectively  

I chuckle at their declarations as I nod taking each of their hands pulling them along "She is most definitely trouble but we have work to do" I say as we head towards the forest 

Rose in the BeastworldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang