4 Trip To The River

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I spent a good part of the morning in bed it was probably the longest I have ever slept but eventually I woke up yawning looking around for Mason 

He seems to have gotten up already as I sniff the air and smell meat cooking I can only assume he is making our breakfast

 all my muscles feel sore and my flower feels irritated and swollen 'I guess I will have to visit the healer after all' I hum to myself feeling pleased about my earlier activity's while glancing down at my new mates mark on my chest

I peek out of the den to see Mason cooking up some delicious looking rabbit meat and it seems he even collected some purple fruit 

"It seems you have been busy this morning" I say smiling as I drape my arms around his neck giving him a quick peck on the cheek

He looks up at me with a smile, tail wagging before glancing over my body "You should be covered when you go outside my love you wouldn't want your suitors see you bare before you decide to take them as a mate" He says pointing over to the edge of our territory where I spot small group of males staring in my direction

I glace up at the males feeling a bit embarrassed that they saw me on full display before running back inside and calling out to Mason "I need you to make or buy me some clothes I dont want to use the ones I came here with" 

'Their isn't anything wrong with my clothes but now that I'm here I want to fully leave my old world behind me I was given a chance to be free and I plan on taking it' 

Mason follows me inside and goes to get the boar hide from last nights dinner and some kind of thread and a bone needle and comes over to me before cutting it into pieces and sewing it into a tube top and skirt I watch as he makes the clothes amazed by his skills

Mason then hands me the now finished outfit as I put it on doing a little twirl the clothes fit me perfectly "How did you know my size? You never measured me" I ask tilting my head slightly in confusion 

Mason just smirks and lifts me up before plopping me into the hide in the sitting room and handing me a leaf with some cooked rabbit meat and some purple fruit that had been sliced into 4 pieces "Last night I was able to get a very good understanding of your body so no need to measure" He says holding in a chuckle 

  I feel a blush wash over my cheeks as I eat the last of my food  "Can we go to the river so I can wash and maybe go for a swim?" I say getting up and holding Masons hand leading him out of the den

Mason nods and starts leading me to the river as we walk through the village I once again spot the market place this time around the market is in full swing with the hustle and bustle of the stores as they talk to their customers and sell their wares I peek at the stalls as we walk by noticing high quality furs, fruits, veggies and their is even a comb 

I ponder for a small while running my fingers through my hair feeling the resistance of the knots before turning to Mason "Can I get this?" I say pointing at the comb

Mason smiles and picks it up before handing over a small clear crystal from a pouch on his waist and hand's me the comb it is small and has an intricate flower pattern on the handle that makes me believe it took a while to make 

"Let me know if you want anything else I will get you anything you desire" Mason says as he pats me on the head 

After a bit more walking we made it to the river I note that it seems to be a hot spot for females as I sit in one of the empty spaces on the bank getting myself comfortable on a hide Mason had brought for me

 I spot Mary chatting to one of the other females a little ways a way I silently watch as she and the other female have their exchange she seems very upbeat 'Maybe she is feeling better now' As I'm watching the two I see things start to get heated as a very loud argument breaks out between them I hear their males growling protectively before I hear a slap Mary is standing their with tears in her eyes with a bright red handprint on her cheek 

'If I am remembering correctly this was a scene in the novel Mary decided she wants to make a female friend but while they were chatting she found out they practice polyamory in this world and started belittling the poor girl telling her how horrible she is to have taken so many mates and how unfair she is being to the men she goes on and on until the female has had enough and slaps her right across the face leaving Mary with a nasty bruise for the next couple days'

I see Mary stomping her feel she looks pretty upset but then of course she spotted me... running over and pulling me into the fight against my will making me wince at the shear force she is using as I look over her in shock Mason growls at her in defence of my poor arm but Mary just ignores him

"Rose you need to help me this horrible woman just slapped me for no reason" Mary says still gripping into me with pleading eyes as I have to hold in a laugh in response 'She thinks the female was in the wrong when she disrespected her like that this girl is crazy'

I sigh looking over at the two who seem to be stuck in a glaring contest "What did you say to get yourself slapped?" I say using a stern voice as she looks at me as if I have betrayed her 

"How could you be on her side Rose?! You were meant to be my friend not hers! do you no loner care for me?" Mary says weeping into her hands 

'If I didn't know the story I'm sure I would have fallen for this innocent act' I sigh thinking about how much of a pain being around her is going to be "I'm not on her side I just want to know why she slapped you rather then just accuse her of being a horrible person" 

Finally the other female speaks up interrupting the conversation "She said I was dirty for taking multiple mates and that I was being unfair to them" She says with venom dripping from her words 

Mary glares back at the female looking visibly upset "I was just telling her the truth how could she take so many husbands it just isn't right love isn't meant to be shared between multiple partners and she even slept with all of them! That right is meant to be reserved for your one and only so how am I wrong for educating her on this?!" Mary shouts in a very defensive tone as multiple heads turn to look at us curious to see what the commotion is about

I sigh already tired of this interaction before turning back to Rose "You are in the wrong here you cant say things like that in a place it is essential to take multiple mates to survive we got lucky when we were rescued so soon but I'm sure your mate can tell you all about the horrible things feral beasts are capable of if they manage to get their hands on you also the birth rate of females here is extremely low so females are precious and to be protected and it would be impossible to do that with only one mate" I say nonchalantly as if I'm telling her something so easy to understand even a toddler could grasp it

Mary nods in understanding as I sigh in relief seeing she got the message as she walks away without a word she dose not look happy tho I'm just glad she understood what I said hopefully some of it sinks in and she dose not pull me into her mess again if that had gone south I would have been standing on a battlefield and that female has an awful lot of mates too

"I'm sorry she caused you trouble she was completely in the wrong my name is Rose by the way I hope we can get along" I offer her a small smile

 She nods "I'm Lacy but you dont have to apologise it was that awful girl that upset me" And she turns around and walks off with '1,2,3...  7,8,9... 14 mates huh that is a lot..' 

But after that ordeal into the river I go as I strip and jump right in making a big splash before turning to Mason who seems to still be in protector mode "If you can catch some kind of lizard we can use its hide for some clothes I can wear while swimming we can also make fishing baskets so we can eat fish I'm pretty sure these fishies are too fast for me" I say giggling as I attempt to catch the small fish in the shallows 

Mason smiles and follows me into the water seemingly on his own mission to catch a fish as I watch him clumsily flail around in the shallows jumping on fish whenever they swim near 

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