Justins stalker

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Justin Phan was a successful social media influencer and singer in northstar boys, with millions of followers and a strong fan base. He was known for his charismatic personality, creative videos and inspiring messages. But little did he know that someone out there was secretly hating and threatening him.

It all started one day when Justin received a hateful comment on one of his YouTube videos. He brushed it off, thinking it was just another internet troll. But soon enough, the comments turned into DMs, emails and even letters. They all had a similar tone - filled with threats and derogatory remarks towards Justin and his content.

At first, Justin thought it was just a prank. But as the frequency of these messages increased, he started to feel uneasy. He couldn't understand who would want to harm him. He had always been kind and positive towards his followers, and he had never done anything to intentionally hurt anyone. So, why was this happening to him?

Justin tried to ignore the hate and continue creating content, but it was taking a toll on him. He couldn't concentrate on anything else; the fear of someone actually wanting to harm him consumed his thoughts. He confided in his friends and family, and they advised him to report the hate messages to the authorities. But Justin was hesitant; he didn't want to create a scene or involve the police unless absolutely necessary.

As the days went by, the hate turned into stalking. Justin would find the same person commenting on every single post of his, leaving vile comments and disturbing messages. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to find out who this person was and put an end to it before it got any worse.

Justin knew he needed help, and that's when he turned to you. He was addressing the situation and asked for your help in figuring out the identity of the stalker. You went to look at the comments and emails and noticed a pattern in the hate comments. They were all coming from the same username, 'xXhaterXx.' You did some digging and found out that the owner of the account had a history of cyberbullying and threatening other YouTubers. You told justin and you both told the police. 

The police tracked down the owner of the account, and it turned out to be a former classmate of you. Mark had always been jealous of Justin's success and how you know the NSB boys personally and decided to take it out on justin by leaving hateful comments and stalking him.Mark had been following Justin's journey from the very beginning. He had always been a huge fan of NSB work and desperately wanted to be like you who lived with them. Mark felt inferior and unwanted. He couldn't stand to see you living his dream, while he was stuck in a mundane job.  Mark was arrested and charged with cyberbullying and harassment. Justin finally had some peace of mind, knowing that he and his loved ones were safe.

As for Mark, he realized the error of his ways and regretted ever hating on Justin. He was filled with guilt and remorse and reached out to apologize to Justin but you blocked every one of his devices in contacting justin. you never wanted to see another hater stalking any of the boys. 

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