Ice-cream with Seb and Oliver

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Oliver and Sebastian Moy had been planning this day for weeks - an afternoon in the sun eating ice cream and chilling on the beach with you. They were both excited — Oliver and Sebastian had been friends with you for a while now and they were both looking forward to a carefree, sunshine-filled day with a trip to the beach.

The pair ordered their ice-cream and picked a table overlooking the water. They had barely taken two bites when Oliver noticed that something was wrong. 'Hey, where did Y/N go?' He asked his friend, looking around to see that you had gone missing.

Sebastian furrowed his brow and the pair both got up and ran to look for you. They searched the beach, the surrounding area, but she was nowhere to be seen. They were just about to give up when Oliver noticed someone lurking in the shadows. He grabbed ahold of Sebastian's arm and pointed out the hooded figure.

The two of them dashed after the stranger, shouting and demanding to know what was going on. Just as the stalker was about to explain, the two friends stuffed their still-melting ice cream cones into his face and sent him running away.

Finally, they spotted their friend on the beach. She had been walking along, enjoying the sand and sun, when she felt like someone was watching her. She had no idea what had happened until the boys explained. The trio hugged and opened their treats - you shared the lollies that you brang and thanked them forsaving you. "I knew someone was watching me," you say.

Oliver nodded, "yeah we found him. thats where the ice cream ended up." You laughed and hugged them both. Seb said, "lets get ice-cream next time. lets go find some gelato." Your eyes brightened at the idea and so did Olivers eyes. Seb drove you and oliver into town and ordered gelato. you all shared it and felt at ease that no one was stalking you anymore.

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