1 - Drake Lance

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I enter the school and everyone stares at me. I gasp and look away and run away. I'm an antisocial person, ever since the incident back at home in Kansas it kept me brainwashed that i am a freak.

I accidentally bump into one of the guys and i fall, my binder drops and everything gets unorganized. The boy quickly drops to his knees and grabs the papers from my binder. He smirks at me and i snatch all the papers all inside my binder.

I get up and stare at him, he looks at me weirdly and smirks. "Scott." He says and hands me his hands. I think he just introduced himself to me? He looks so familiar, I used to live in Beacon Hills as a younger child but things happened with my family.

"Drake." I say and grab his hand and shake his hand.

"Here's your stuff." He says and hands me the papers to my binder. I grab them slowly and stuff them inside my binder.

"Thanks." I say and he continues starring at me.

"You're new right?" He asks as we stand up slowly. We stare at each other and I look at his uneven jaw.

"Yeah i moved in from Kansas a couple of weeks ago." I say and a bunch of people slide by me.

"Well Drake, if you need anything i'm here to help." He says and chuckles.

"Thanks." I say and smile friendly and he backs away. The Scott boy walks to his friends and I head to class, which leads me to physical education. Thats where i spot Scott again, with his friend talking and starring at me. Why do they always stare?

P.E goes as usual but i have a healthy toned body and i can do a lot with a stick or two. I was trained and i have a black belt in martial arts and today we're doing Martial Arts for a lesson.

The teacher gives us staffs to hit each other with. I get partnered up with Scott cause he wanted to, and his friend Stiles gets partnered up with his other friend.

"Ready?" Scott asks me and i nod, he starts to get ready and i pose with the staff in my hands ready to counter his attacks.

He tries and hits me in the leg and i quickly slap his staff away with my staff. I attack by hitting his hip and then he crouches and i hit his leg causing him to trip. This is basically like child's play for me. Scott falls to the ground and then laughs, i walk over to him handing him my hand for him to get up.

"You're good." He says and grabs my hand, he gets up and stares at me. He grabs his staff and backs away and then attacks me and i grab the staff before it hits my neck.

I smirk and then i hit his shoulder and then his thigh and then i aim at it at his neck. He smiles and i smile, when we get dismissed to get change i get changed immediately. I go through all my classes and Scott is in all of them. After school i walk alone and immediately i feel followed and threatened. I look around to find nobody looking at me, no one is following me.

I walk back home faster and once i enter the house i shut the door and lock it. I sigh and lean against the door and stare at the table in front of me with my older sister's picture standing on the table. I sigh and remember her, her name was Sara, she died 7 years ago with her boyfriend Oliver Queen on a boat, sadly her boyfriend survived but not Sara. He says that he saw Sara die as the boat flipped over. He's lucky to have survived on an island for 5 years, i wouldn't have survived.

Honestly my sister's death left me in a lot of pain and grief. She was everything i had, now I'm living in a house with my father who is a detective for Beacon Hills who's never really home. I walk around and find a note on the fridge. I read it and Dad won't be home until late tonight, there's also money on the fridge so i grab it and set it on the counter for take out.

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