a moment

252 11 3

*I'm obviously running out of titles for the chapters (or I'm just not that creative lol)

A month later, Kim finally managed to be back at tankhun's doorsteps
He knew vegas's warning but then again when does he ever listen

He steps up to the door and started to knock with a deep breath 

The door opens and tankhun look at him suprised "owh nong I didn't expect you here, come in" he gestures inside
"You want me to get you something" he asked curiously

Kim shook his head "im fine, I won't be here for long"
Tankhun hums as he took in the answer
"Just let me continue this call and I'll be right out kim" he said as he went to another room

Meanwhile kim just walked around and looked at at all the pictures on the walls

Some were just tankhun and tem, or tankhun with his friends in Taiwan
But some kim noticed was a younger tankhun with younger versions of kinn and vegas

Kim curiously looks at the pictures that caught his eyes, especially one where he was a toddler and clings onto younger kinn

He looks to the side to see a picture of kinn, vegas and tankhun in a floury mess
He chuckled at it

The next picture he saw was a hospital room and tankhun was holding him as their mother was helping him and a beaming kinn was by their side

Kim moves along to see a family picture almost similarly to the one he found little over a month ago
He tilted his head as tankhun seem a little off in that picture

He heard a slight laugh behind him "that was taken right before I got kidnapped" kim turned to see tankhun coming towards him as he looks straight towards the picture
Tankhun sighs
"Of course by then I heard of pa's plan to do a kidnap on me but blame it one on of the enemies... I had to keep you guys safe so I kept quiet" tankhun sadly smiles "before I knew it, time flies and those 3 little boys are all grown up"

"Did you regret not coming back for us earlier"

"All the time nong... all the time"

Kim looks back at the pictures, at that age he wouldn't remember tankhun which is why it's a shocker now

As kim turns back to look at tankhun, he was standing next to kim
"How is it going at home nong"

Kim shrugs "they won't tell me much but little do they know" He jokes
Tankhun hums "yea little do they know

"When are you planning on showing yourself to them" kim asked curiously
"When it's time nong but not now, I have a feeling that they are Still riled up from you finding that photo correct" tankhun gave a look

"That sounds about right" kim jokes

Tankhun smiles and patted his back "thanks for the visit but did you need something" he questioned concerned

Kim shook his head "I think I have all the answers I need" he beams as tankhun looks at him suspiciously
"Okay then... whelp common, I have food cooking let's eat" tankhun suggested as they both went to the kitchen

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