curiosity hurts

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The dining was lively as pete continued to play with a giggly Venice as Porsche tells him what baby names him and kinn as come up with so far
"I mean I like Phoenix but I want something even more meaningful you know and not so mafia-like"

Pete shrugs "you know it's almost windy season, if the baby is born by then, you should name him prapai" he suggested as he tries to make sure Venice doesn't fling his food all over the place

Porsche hums as he takes it into consideration
Then his eyes light up at the sight of his nong walking in "aoh chay, I haven't seen you all day" he pouts

Chay rolls his eyes at his hia "I was just helping Macau find something for his project"

"I think that is a very dumb one, I mean it's for kids right" Porsche spoke as Macau flew his hands up "that's what I said" he exclaimed as he returned Porsche's fist pump

Chay just shook his head and mutters

As they all sat around, vegas and kinn finally showed up much to the tension of the three youngest

A tension that doesn't go unnoticed by Porsche and pete

Remembering earlier events, pete cleared his throat as he spoke "so you three couldn't find anything right, did you even ask vegas or kinn first"

Vegas looks over to them curiously "ask us what" he tilted his head then he remembered "Ah you still having trouble with that project Macau" he questioned

Macau nodded "yea hia I do and it's really important It's the last thing I have to do before graduating"
Vegas nodded "ifs it's that hard then no problem, I'll pay the teacher to cancel the project" he shrugs as if it was no big deal
But Macau just shook his head "its fine, I guess I can try to find one normal thing'

Plates then were placed on the table and everyone was dived in to eat
Kim was was slowly eating which didn't go unnoticed by kinn who looks at him curiously

"Kim how's your wik thing going" kinn asked

"Hm fine"

"Just fine" kinn pushed concerned

Porsche noticed the Increasing tension in the air and places his hand on kinn, and changed the topic
"So good news, me and kinn finally found a nursery theme"

Chay lit up excitedly "really hia what is it"
Porsche smiles at his nongs excitement "cute little theme really, it's ducks"

Vegas snorted as kinn turns to glare at him, daring him not to say anything "did you know that kinn once got chased by a duck, it was gold" he laughs causing his son to laugh and clap his hands

Porsche then giggles a little "okay maybe not ducks then, how about clouds and sky then" he suggested and everyone agrees

Kim looks at them curiously "when did you get chased by ducks hia" he questioned kinn who looks thoughtfully
"When I was young, mind you I was like 6 at the time" kinn explains as Kim nods
"Then..did your babysitter or nanny help you back then"

Kinn looks at him confused as Macau and chay gave eachother a look already knowing what kim was doing
"We never had a babysitter Kim" he spoke to him as if he was suspicious

"Then who is the slightly older boy in the picture" kinn questioned much to Macau and chay's dismay

The table went silent as kinn went cold "what older boy" he said, chills filling the room

Kim brought out a picture and slid it towards the middle of vegas and kinn "this one... who is he and why is he holding me" he questioned

Vegas went cold too as he looks at kinn who was looking at Kim with a stone hard face "it's Noone to worry about alright, leave it alone"

"But we are close, I just wanted to know" Kim stood up leaning over the table

Kinn stood up and slams his hand onto the table "I said leave it Kim now sit and eat"
Then the two soon sit and begins eating with the tension still Increasing by the minutes

The table was silent except for a babbling Venice

Macau looks at vegas with a desperate look but vegas shook his head as if to tell him to leave it alone

Then Macau and chay gave Kim a look as Kim looks furiously at kinn while they all ate

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