close but yet so far

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A taxi was seen driving through a city before stopping at an apartment unit
The driver looks back "this the place"

The person was on the phone but nods "yes this is it" then exit as he spoke to the other line "ter I'm here" He said as he got his luggage out
The person then walks with his luggage to head inside and walks through the lobby to the elevator
"So when are you getting downstairs" he jokes

Just then the elevator door opens and the other man grins "right about now" then he moves to hug him "I miss you so much, welcome home angel" he kisses his cheek

The other one chuckled "you cheeky, you were just waiting near the elevator weren't you" he laughs as he grabs the others hand and made their way into the elevator to go up

"Guilty as charged angel" he winks "welcome home tankhun"

Tankhun hums "thanks tem, glad to be back and not to be long distance from you" he chuckled as he leans into tem

Unlike the family, tankhun told tem everything starting from when he was kidnapped
But little did tankhun know, tem knows everything Porsche told him about

After escaping Tankhun went on and flew to Taiwan where he went into the business study and soon owns a wedding planning company under another name
He met tem when tem was studying abroad in Taiwan and the two soon had a romance bloom
A few years later, they are set to be Wed after tem proposed a few months ago

Tankhun had a set goal upon arriving in Taiwan which was to plan his wedding, spend time with tem and find his nongs

This entire time he was always worried about his nongs, even when tem told him about how his best friend joined a mafia family named the theerapanyakuns

That stunned tankhun and as he was going to ask about his nongs,but he soon found out that his name no longer existed in the family, which saddens him but he let it go and moved on

And now he was back, close but yet still so far with his family not knowing he was still Alive

the eldest returnedWhere stories live. Discover now