It was a moment. A very odd, very clear moment in his life when nothing else existed, but her. Daniel didn't understand what was wrong with him.

Kiss her you idiot, he thought, what are you waiting for an invitation?

"Okay," Peyton muttered as she turned and faced the door, accepting the defeat. It wasn't the first time Daniel McKennan rejected her. It would definitely be the last, she would make sure of that.

"Good night," she said over her shoulder softly and started to close the door behind her.

You're losing her, he thought. Do something! Daniel knew it was now or never.

"What the hell," He muttered and pushed the door open, taking her by surprise.

Peyton lost grip of the door handle, letting Daniel step inside. Before she could get her balance, he grabbed Peyton around the waist and crushed her against his chest. His mouth crashed onto hers in a hard, passionate kiss, smothering any chance of her objections. Peyton felt her knees go weak and knew if it wasn't for his arms holding her so tightly against him, she would be melting to the floor.

Daniel wasn't sure where the emotions came from. He wasn't sure he wanted to know. His rough hands slid up her back holding on to those feelings just a moment longer than he should have then stroked down her spine slowly to end resting his hands on her hips.

The goose bumps on her skin told him she felt it too. The tingle down his spine told Daniel his control had bunched up like a spring and was about to pop. It was time to go before he did something they would both regret.

Time to regroup, old boy. Better to think long and hard about this before you screw up big time.

Daniel knew he was quickly losing his footing and he was falling into deep water. Pressing her backward, he felt her body hit the closed door at her back. Pressing himself closer still, Daniel sealed the gap between them. Sink or swim, he was taking all he could get.

Peyton's hands were clenching his shirt in her fists. She had a hold of the front of his shirt so tight, her knuckles had turned white. As Daniel kneaded her hips, her body swayed. She wasn't going to be able to stand if he pulled away from her now.

Get a grip or he's going to walk out, Peyton thought.

It was pure hunger, his and hers, Daniel concluded. Shifting and angling for better position, Daniel felt her give, the tension in her loosened and her surrender came. It was time he backed off before he knew it would be too late. There was something here, more than he considered and hotter than he ever imagined. He would have to come back after he had time to think. And if that kiss was any indication, she wanted him to come back soon.

Get out while you can, Daniel thought, his control back in check. Now back out before you can't walk down the stairs.

The bulge in his pants was almost painful pressed firmly against Peyton. He couldn't hurt her. Not like this and he would if they pursued this tonight. Just as quickly as he had pulled her into his arms, he pushed her away.

"Good night," Daniel said, only too glad his voice didn't shake.

It came out a bit colder than he meant it to be. Quickly, he turned, walking back down the hallway to the stairwell. It was a good start, he thought and quickly went down the steps - there's  something about her he definitely needs to think about.

Peyton fell back against the door in shock as he left her. Her lips swollen, her body aching, needy and weak. She had to wonder what had just happened.

"Definitely something to think about," she whispered to herself and closed the door. There would be no sleep for her now.

Cassie and Travis checked in on the boys before heading to their room. They were fine, awake and with Peyton watching a Disney movie when they had gotten home. Cassie had never been so relieved to know her boys were safe. The fact Jerry drugged them scared the daylights out of her. But now she could rest easy, both of the boys were sound asleep in the attic where Matt had been forced to give up his room to the three kids.

Position of Honor   The Honor Series  Book Two Where stories live. Discover now